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We have a sense of working towards a_________goal.



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Are you aware that you actually possess six senses? The sixth is a muscular sense resp
Are you aware that you actually possess six senses? The sixth is a muscular sense responsible for directing your muscles intelligently to the exact extent necessary for each action you perform.For example, when you reach for an object, the sensory nerves linking the muscles to the brain stop your hand at the correct spot.This automatic perception of theposition of your muscles in relation to the object is your muscular sense in action.

Muscles are bundles of fibers varying from one five-thousandth of an inch to about three inches.They have three unique characteristics, they can become shorter and thicker; they can stretch; and they can retract to their original positions.Under a high-powered microscope, muscle tissue is seen as long, slender cells with a grainy texture like wood.

More than half of a person's body is composed of muscle fibers, most of which are involuntary-in other words, work without conscious direction.The voluntary muscles, those that we move consciously to perform. particular actions, number more than five hundred.

Women have only 60 to 70 percent as much muscle as men for their body mass.That is why an average woman can't lift as much, throw as far, or hit as hard as an average man.

21.According to the selection, the muscular sense is used for ().

A.the efficiency of our muscles

B.the normal breathing function

C.directing our muscles intelligently

D.the work of only our involuntary muscles

22.Intelligent use of the muscles means that().

A.one always knows what his muscles are doing

B.one performs simple actions without working

C.one's muscles are used only to the extent necessary for each action they perform

D.one improves muscular action consciously

23.Muscles are unique fibers because, they can().




D.do all of the above

24.Under a microscope, muscle cells appear to be().

A.textured like wood

B.colored like wood

C.smooth and red

D.short and thick

25.According to the selection more than half of a person's body is composed of().

A.voluntary muscles

B.involuntary muscles

C.muscle fibers

D.sensory nerves

College is a new and different experience for me. I'm away from home, so I have many
things to adjust to, such as being on my own and meeting many different types of people. There are a lot of things that I like about college that I would like to describe for you.

First of all, living at college gives me a sense of responsibility and of being on my own. My parents aren't around to say, "No, you're not going out tonight," or "Did you finish your homework?" Everything I do has to be my decision, and that makes me responsible for my own life. During the second week I was at college, I had to go out and look for a bank where I could open an account. And when I got to the bank, I had to decide whether to have a checking or savings account and whether or not to get a credit card. Decisions! Decisions! Friendly people are another thing I like about college. On the first day I came to Marymount University here in Virginia from New York, I was a bit confused about where I was going. My mother and I drove in. We did not know the building we were supposed to go to, but the guard was very nice. With a smile, he told us what building we were looking for and where we could park our car. My room was on the first floor of New Gerard, and I knew I had to go through some glass doors, but my mother and I didn't know which ones. Some students saw me and asked, "Are you a new student?" When they found out I was looking for New Gerard, one said, "Oh, just follow us; that's where we're going." Even now I feel comfortable in the dorm because there are friendly people around to talk with.I do like a lot of things about college, but that doesn't mean I don't think about things at home. Although I like college, I can still get homesick. New York is a very good place, too! And sometimes I miss it!

6. The text is perhaps written by ________.

A. a new student

B. a new teacher

C. a foreign reporter

D. a foreign visitor

7. What does "gives me a sense of responsibility" in the first sentence of Paragraph 2 mean? It means it makes me feel ________.

A. responsible for my parents.

B. responsible for my teacher.

C. responsible for the school.

D. responsible for myself.

8. One thing that he liked was ________.

A. the comfortable dorm

B. finding his way around

C. his studies as a first year student

D. the friendly people

9. What is New Gerard?

A. It's a student's name.

B. It's a teacher's name.

C. It's a dorm's name.

D. It's a school's name.

10. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. People in Marymount University are friendly.

B. The writer likes the new experience in the university.

C. The writer drove to Marymount University with his mother.

D. The writer is not homesick

Psychological research has focused on a number of basic principles that help memory:m
eaningfulness, organization, association, and visualization.It is useful to know how there principles work.

Meaningfulness affects memory at all levels.Information that does not make any sense to you is difficult to remember.There are several ways in which we can make material more meaningful.Many people, for instance, learn a rhyme to help them remember.Do you know the rhyme "Thirty days has September, April, June, and November..."? It helps many people remember which months of the year have 30 day s.

Organization also makes a difference in our ability to remember.How useful would a library be if the books were kept in random order? Material that is organized is better remembered than jumbled information.One example of organization is chunking.C hunking consists of grouping separate bits of information.For example, the number 4671363 is more easily remembered if it is chunked as 467, 13, 63.Categorizing is another means of organization.Suppose you are asked to remember the following list of wor ds: man, bench, dog, desk, woman, horse, child, cat, chair.Many people will group the words into similar categories and remember them as follows: man, woman, child; cat, dog, horse; bench, chair, desk.Needless to say, the second list can be remembered mo re easily than the first one.

Association refers to taking the material we want to remember and relating it to something we remember accurately.In memorizing a number, you might try to associate it with familiar numbers or events.For example, the heigh t of Mount Fuji in Japan -12,389 feet -might be remembered using the following associations: 12 is the number of months in the year, and 389 is the number of days in a year (365) added to the number of months twice (24).

The last principle is visualizati on.Research has shown striking improvements in many types of memory tasks when people are asked to visualize the items to be remembered.In one study, subjects in one group were asked to learn some words using imagery, while the second group used repetiti on to learn the words.Those using imagery remembered 80 to 90 percent of the words, compared with 30 to 40 percent of the words for those who memorized by repetition.Thus forming an integrated image with all the information placed in a single mental pict ure can help us to preserve a memory.

1.What kind of information is easy for us to remember?()

A.Information that does not make any sense to us

B.Information that we are not familiar with

C.Information that is meaningful to us

D.Information that we are not interested in

2.Which of the following pairs are rhymes?()





3.The second list of words in para.3 is organized according to().

A.the rhyme

B.the word category

C.th e first letters of words

D.the meanings

4.Books are kept in a library().

A.according to their size

B.in random order

C.in a jumbled way

D.in different categories

5.What method can better help form. a whole mental picture about the ti ngs to be remembered?()





Like the air we breathe, culture penetrates into every aspect of our life and influences
the way we think, the way we talk, and the way we _______.





A movie receives a high rating if there are only a few main characters whose voices a
re easy to recognize. Klein also likes an interesting story without too many changes in time and place.A large amount of dialogues between the characters is better than long silences or noisy action scenes.

Of course, visually impaired people can enjoy many films when a friend explains the parts that can only be seen.But that means that blind people cannot go to the movies independently. To solve these problems, some movie theaters have begun to offer recorded audio descriptions of the movements, scenery, and special effects that other audience members can see on the screen.Blind moviegoers receive a wireless headset to wear during the movie. This allows them to listen to the narration while still hearing a movie's music and other sounds that surround them in the theater.

Another blind movie reviewer, Jay Forry, writes movie reviews that are published on his website. He also writes for newspapers and is a guest on radio shows. Forry gives movies one of five ratings, including, "So good, blind people will like it" and "I'm glad I couldn't see it." Forry became a writer after going blind at the age of 20 and he decided to go to college. His first articles appeared in the college newspaper, and Forry's writing skills and sense of humor are what keep people reading his reviews or listening to them on the radio.After "watching" The Sixth Sense, Forry commented that he thought the movie was excellent, but that he envied the boy who was the main character: "He had six senses, and I only have four."

1、What is the best title for the passage? ______

A、Movies for the Visually Impaired People

B、Filmmakers Who Makes Films Interesting

C、Movies that are Rated from One to Ten

D、The Story of Jay Forry, a Blind Writer

2、"Visually impaired people" refers to those who _____.

A、are completely deaf

B、can't see anything

C、cripples when walking

D、don't trust in others

3、According to Marty Klein, a movie ____is most suitable for visually impaired people.

A、receiving the lowest rating

B、filled with many characters

C、without too many dialogues

D、being not too complicated

4、What do theaters do concerning with visually impaired people? ______

A、They assign staff to explain some parts of the movie

B、They arrange movies especially for these people

C、They offer recorded audio description of the movie

D、They persuade these people not to go to the theater

5、We can infer from the last paragraph that Jay Forry_____.

A、is very upset about his misfortune

B、is good at writing reviews of films

C、became a writer before he's blind

D、doesn't like the film the Sixth Sense

With your business sense, you()a chain of restaurants in five years.
With your business sense, you()a chain of restaurants in five years.


B.will have managed

C.are managing

D.will be managing

Advertising informs consumers about new products available on the market.It gives us i
nformation about everything from shampoo to tooth-paste to computers and cars.But there is one series problem with this.The "information" is actually very often "misinformation".It tells us the products, benefits but hides their disadvantages.Advertising not only leads us to buy things that we don't need and can't afford, but it also confuses our sense of reality.

Advertisers use many methods to get us to buy their products.One of their most successful methods is to make us feel dissatisfied with ourselves and our imperfect lives.Advertisements show us who we aren't and what we don't have."Why don't I have any dates (约会)?" a good-looking girl sadly asks in a commercial."Here," replies her roommate, "Try Zoom tooth-paste!" Of course she tried it, and immediately the whole football team falls in love with her."That's a stupid commercial," we might say.But we still buy Zoom tooth-paste out of fear of being unpopular and having no friends.

If fear is the negative motive (动机) for buying a product, then wanting a good self-image is the positive reason for choosing it.Each of us has a mental picture of the kind of person we would like to be.For example, a modern young woman might like to think that she looks like a beautiful movie star.A middle-aged man might want to see himself as a strong, attractive athlete.Advertisers know this.They write specific ads to make certain groups of people choose their products.

Advertisers get psychologists to study the way consumers think and their reasons for choosing one brand instead of another.These experts tell advertisers about the motives of fear and self-image.They also inform. them about recent studies with colors and words.They have found that certain colors on the package of an attractive product will cause people to reach out and take that package instead of buying an identical (同一的、 相等的) product with different colors.

Many people believe that advertising does not affect them.They like to think they make wise choices.Unfortunately, they probably don't realize the powerful effect of advertising.They may not clearly understand that advertisers spend billions of dollars each year in aggressive (强有力的) competition for our money, and they are extremely successful.

1.What’s the purpose of advertising()?

A.To introduce people the feature of the goods.

B.To have people to buy new products on the market.

C.To make people know how to use the products.

D.To tell people how to save money while buying goods.

2.One of the disadvantages of advertising is to().

A.lead people to buy bad-quality things

B.make people confused about choosing goods

C.make people buy more things than needed

D.inform. people the products’ benefits

3.Advertisement may make people think that()

A.their lives are not good enough

B.their behaviors are imperfect

C.they don’t have enough money to buy things

D.they look poor without buying advertise goods

4.What can psychologists tell the advertisers()

A.The reasons for bad sale of some goods.

B.What brand is better than others?

C.How to control the qualities of goods.

D.People’s opinions about current colors.

5.It’s implied in the last paragraph that those who don’t believe


A.should refuse to buy goods advertised

B.may also be influenced by advertising

C.have more freedom to buy things than others

D.can save money without buying the advertised goods

Though many things have been changed culturally, there is a commitment and sense of re
sponsibility that have not yet been _______ in today's society.





People from abroad can take part in the intensified language program because schools h
ave to _________ students whose English is not their first language.

A、makes sense for

B、make up for

C、make decision to

D、make allowances for

We have worked so long. Shall we stop_____a rest?


B.to having


D.to have

___the help of their team, we should not have succeeded.


B.But for

C.As to

D.As for

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