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It has also shown that, in manufacturing, most parts()a number of different machining





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People born in the summer are more likely to be healthy than those who arrive during o
ther times of the year, new research suggests. The phenomenon could be caused by mothers getting more sun in pregnancy — and passing on higher quantities of vitamin D to their unborn infant. A study of almost half a million British adults found babies born in June, July, and August were heavier at birth and taller as adults. For the first time the research also revealed girls born in the summer started puberty later — an indication of better health in adult life. Early puberty in girls has been linked with a higher risk of diabetes, heart disease or breast cancer. Previous research has shown children born between June and October are likely to be slightly taller and have bigger bones than winter-born children — believed to be related to vitamin D exposure during pregnancy. Babies born in autumn and winter are more likely to develop food allergies — with sunlight exposure during pregnancy and vitamin D levels also thought to play a role in this. But being born in summer can have drawbacks - such as an increased risk of short-sightedness.

1.According to the new research, babies born in summer are more likely to be healthy.



2.Late puberty in girls has been related to an increased risk of diabetes, heart disease or breast cancer.



3.Vitamin D exposure during pregnancy is believed to be connected with the height of the babies.



4.Food allergies are more likely to take place among babies born in spring.



5.Short-sightedness is one of the probable disadvantages for babies born in summer.



Sylvester and I are watching television advertisements because we need information for
a class research project. We have to discuss realism and fantasy (幻想) in television advertising, and so we are looking for examples of distortions (歪曲) and falsehoods in television commercials. The question we are asking is, "Is the commercial true to life, or does it offer an unreal picture of the product? "

Sylvester is keeping track of the distortions, and he already has quite a long list. He says that all housewives seem to live in lovely homes, dress beautifully, and love their household chores. They smile and boast about floor waxes and proudly display their dirty laundry, dusty tabletops, and filthy ovens. In addition, he has never seen men doing housework. Sylvester thinks that this view of family life is filled with distortions.I am keeping track of the people who appear in the advertisements. I have found handsome men courting the All-American Girl, and they are always recommending brand X toothpaste or brand Y cologne. I see teenagers and children surrounded by their friends, having wonderful times at parties and at school, and they are usually enjoying large harmonious family gatherings. I think that these advertisements are also filled with fantasy.Sylvester and I have concluded that much of American life is pictured unrealistically in commercials. Teenagers do not always have fun at parties, and very few people love doing chores. People do have problems, but few of these are ever shown in commercials. Instead, we watch Cinderella (灰姑娘) discover a miracle floor wax, finish the kitchen chores, and waltz off to the ball. Our heads are filled with these fantasies, and they also suggest that, for any problem, brand Z will provide the instant cure. Sylvester and I will have very few facts and a lot of fantasy to write about in our research reports.

1.Judging from the context, Sylvester and the author are most probably ____.


B、teacher and student

C、father and son

D、research workers

2.Sylvester has found that in advertisements housewives ____.

A、are sad and tired

B、enjoy doing their housework

C、have their husbands help them

D、never touch dirty things

3.The author thinks that life of teenagers shown in commercials is ____.




D、true to life

4.Sylvester and the author have come to the conclusion that commercials ____.

A、truly reflect American life

B、lack in fantasy

C、seldom give expression to people's real problems

D、give great fun to children

5.The most suitable title for the passage would be ____.

A、A Class Research Project

B、American Life As Shown by TV

C、Beautiful Commercials

D、Distortions in TV Advertisements

A Speech: Better Life for AllIn today's society, working people can seldom find time

A Speech: Better Life for All

In today's society, working people can seldom find time to relax in their busy schedules. They often work overtime because of too much work waiting in a queue, which ends up causing a lot of physical and mental problems. Fortunately, more and more people are now aware that relaxation and stress -relief are necessary for life. One's health should never be sacrificed for a need to work hard. Indeed, finding time to relax makes people work more efficiently.

Many people plan trips to spend their free time traveling with their loved ones. This may have been a luxury in the past, but it has become more common in recent years, Traveling at home and abroad has now become convenient and affordable.

Going jogging and going to the gym after work have also become more popular, as they are rather convenient ways to exercise and stay fit. Exercising helps relax your body and has been shown to relieve mental stress as well. This demand for recreation and leisure service has also stimulated the economy, as new businesses are created to meet these needs.

In sum, working hard is important, but having a good quality of life can actually facilitate your success at work. Knowing when and how to relax should be a part of well-balanced lifestyle. Take a walk outdoors, visit the gym, or go jogging You will find that your time was not wasted, even if it was not spent working in your office.

() 21.In today's society, working people can often find time to relax in their busy schedules.

() 22.In the past few people might afford traveling.

() 23.The demand for recreation and leisure service has made the economy develop.

() 24.Exercising can only help relax your body instead of staying fit.

() 25.People should take a balance between work and relaxation.

Section B – TWO questions ONLY to be attemptedLouieed Co Louieed Co, a listed company, is

Section B – TWO questions ONLY to be attempted

Louieed Co

Louieed Co, a listed company, is a major supplier of educational material, selling its products in many countries. It supplies schools and colleges and also produces learning material for business and professional exams. Louieed Co has exclusive contracts to produce material for some examining bodies. Louieed Co has a well-defined management structure with formal processes for making major decisions.

Although Louieed Co produces online learning material, most of its profits are still derived from sales of traditional textbooks. Louieed Co’s growth in profits over the last few years has been slow and its directors are currently reviewing its long-term strategy. One area in which they feel that Louieed Co must become much more involved is the production of online testing materials for exams and to validate course and textbook learning.

Bid for Tidded Co

Louieed Co has recently made a bid for Tidded Co, a smaller listed company. Tidded Co also supplies a range of educational material, but has been one of the leaders in the development of online testing and has shown strong profit growth over recent years. All of Tidded Co’s initial five founders remain on its board and still hold 45% of its issued share capital between them. From the start, Tidded Co’s directors have been used to making quick decisions in their areas of responsibility. Although listing has imposed some formalities, Tidded Co has remained focused on acting quickly to gain competitive advantage, with the five founders continuing to give strong leadership.

Louieed Co’s initial bid of five shares in Louieed Co for three shares in Tidded Co was rejected by Tidded Co’s board. There has been further discussion between the two boards since the initial offer was rejected and Louieed Co’s board is now considering a proposal to offer Tidded Co’s shareholders two shares in Louieed Co for one share in Tidded Co or a cash alternative of $22·75 per Tidded Co share. It is expected that Tidded Co&39;s shareholders will choose one of the following options:

(i) To accept the two-shares-for-one-share offer for all the Tidded Co shares; or,

(ii) To accept the cash offer for all the Tidded Co shares; or,

(iii) 60% of the shareholders will take up the two-shares-for-one-share offer and the remaining 40% will take the cash offer.

In case of the third option being accepted, it is thought that three of the company&39;s founders, holding 20% of the share capital in total, will take the cash offer and not join the combined company. The remaining two founders will probably continue to be involved in the business and be members of the combined company&39;s board.

Louieed Co’s finance director has estimated that the merger will produce annual post-tax synergies of $20 million. He expects Louieed Co’s current price-earnings (P/E) ratio to remain unchanged after the acquisition.

Extracts from the two companies’ most recent accounts are shown below:

The tax rate applicable to both companies is 20%.

Assume that Louieed Co can obtain further debt funding at a pre-tax cost of 7·5% and that the return on cash surpluses is 5% pre-tax.

Assume also that any debt funding needed to complete the acquisition will be reduced instantly by the balances of cash and cash equivalents held by Louieed Co and Tidded Co.


(a) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the acquisition of Tidded Co from the viewpoint of Louieed Co. (6 marks)

(b) Calculate the P/E ratios of Tidded Co implied by the terms of Louieed Co’s initial and proposed offers, for all three of the above options. (5 marks)

(c) Calculate, and comment on, the funding required for the acquisition of Tidded Co and the impact on Louieed Co’s earnings per share and gearing, for each of the three options given above.

Note: Up to 10 marks are available for the calculations. (14 marks)

阅读下面的句子,根据文章内容进行判断,正确写“T”错误写“F”。 Better Life for All In today’s society, working people can seldom find time to relax themselves in their busy schedules. They often work overtime because of too much


Better Life for All

In today’s society, working people can seldom find time to relax themselves in their busy schedules. They often work overtime because of too much work waiting in queue, which ends up causing a lot of physical and mental problems. However, more people are now aware that relaxation and stress-relief are necessary for life. One’s health should never be sacrificed for a need to work hard. Indeed, finding time to relax makes people work more efficiently.

Many people plan trips to spend their free time travelling with their loved ones. This may have been a luxury in the past, but it has become more common in recent years. Travelling at home and abroad has now become convenient and affordable.

Going jogging and going to the gym have also become more popular, as they are rather convenient ways to exercise and stay fit. Exercising helps relax your body and has been shown, to relieve mental stress as well. This demand for recreation and leisure service has also stimulated the economy, as new businesses are created to meet these needs.

In sum, working hard is important, but having a good quality of life can actually facilitate your success at work. Knowing when and how to relax should be a part of well -balanced lifestyle. Take a walk outdoors, visit the gym, or go jogging. You will find that your time was not wasted, even if it was not spent working in your office.

() 21. In today’s society, working people can often find time to relax themselves in their busy schedules.

() 22. In the past few people might afford travelling.

() 23.the demand for recreation and leisure service has made the economy develop.

() 24. Exercising can only help relax your body instead of staying fit.

() 25. People should take a balance between work and relaxation.

The length of time you stay at a party()the relationship between you and the host.


B.is showing

C.is shown

D.has been shown

There is evidence that the usual variety of high blood pressure is, in part, a family dise
ase. Since families have similar genes as well as similar environment, family diseases could be due to shared genetic influences, to shared environmental factors, or to both. For some years, the role of one's environmental factor commonly shared by families, namely, dietary salt, has been studied at Brookhaven National Laboratory. These studies suggest that chronic excess salt ingestion can lead to high blood pressure in man and animals. Some individuals, however, and some rats consume large amounts of salt without developing high blood pressure. No matter how strictly all environmental factors were controlled in these experiments, some salt - fed animals never develop hypertension whereas a few rapidly developed very severe hypertension followed by early death. These marked variations were interpreted to result from differences in genetic constitution.

By mating in successive generations only those animals that failed to develop hypertension from salt ingestion, a resistant strain (the" R" strain) has been evolved in which consumption of large quantities of salt fails to influence the blood pressure significantly. In contrast, by mating only animals that quickly develop hypertension from salt, a sensitive strain ("S" strain) has also been developed.

The availability of these two strains permits investigations not heretofore possible. They provide a plausible laboratory model on which to investigate some clinical aspects of the human proto - types of hypertension. More important, there might be the possibility of developing methods by which genetic susceptibility of human beings to high blood pressure can be defined without waiting for its appearance.

Which statement relates the main idea of this passage?

A.When salt is added to their diets, rats and men react in much the same way.

B.The near future will see a cure for high blood pressure.

C.Modem research has shown that high blood pressure is a result of salt in the diet.

D.A tendency toward high blood pressure may be a hereditary factor.

During the past few months, the young girl has shown great ______ as a good dancer.





There was a time when parents who wanted an educational present for their children would b
uy a typewriter, a globe or an encyclopedia set.

Now those 【21】______ seem hopelessly old-fashioned: this Christmas, there were a lot of 【22】______ computers under the tree. 【23】______ that computers are their key to success, parents are also frantically insisting that children 【24】______ taught to use them on school—as early as possible. The problem for schools is that when it 【25】______ computers, parents don’t always know best. Many schools are 【26】______ parental impatience and are purchasing hardware without 【27】______ educational planning, so they can say, OK, we've moved into the computer age. Teachers 【28】______ themselves caught in the middle of the problem — between parent pressure and 【29】______ educational decisions.

Educators do not even agree 【30】______ how computers should be used. A lot of money is going for computerized educational materials 【31】______ research has shown can be taught 【32】______ with pencil and paper. Even those who believe that all children should 【33】______ to computer warn of potential 【34】______ to the very young.

The temptation remains strong largely because young children 【35】______ so well to computers. First graders have been 【36】______ willing to work for two hours on math skills. Some have an attention span of 20 minutes.

【37】______ school, however, can afford to go into computing, and that creates 【38】______ another problem: a division between the have’s and havenot’s. Very few parents ask 【39】______ computer instruction in poor school districts, 【40】______ there may be barely enough money to pay the reading teacher.






Archaeology has long been an accepted tool for studying prehistoric cultures. Relatively r
ecently the same techniques have been systematically applied to studies of the more immediate past. This has been called "historical archaeology," a term that is used in the United States to refer to any archaeological investigation into North American sites that postdate the arrival of Europeans.

Back in the 1930's and 1940's, when building restoration was popular, historical archaeology was primarily a tool of architectural reconstruction. The role of archaeologists was to find the foundations of historic buildings and then take a back seat to architects.

The mania for reconstruction had largely subsided by the 1950's and 1960's. Most people entering historical archaeology during this period came out of university anthropology departments, where they had studied prehistoric cultures. They were, by training, social scientists, not historians, and their work tended to reflect this bias. The questions they framed and the techniques

They used were designed to help them understand, as scientists, how people behaved. But because they were treading on historical ground for which there was often extensive written documentation, and because their own knowledge of these periods was usually limited, their contributions to American history remained circumscribed. Their reports, highly technical and sometimes poorly written, went unread.

More recently, professional archaeologists have taken over. These researchers have sought to demonstrate that their work can be a valuable tool not only of science but also of history, providing fresh insights into the daily lives of ordinary people whose existences might not otherwise be so well documented. This newer emphasis on archaeology as social history has shown great promise, and indeed work done in this area has lead to a reinterpretation of the United States past.

In Kingston, New York, for example, evidence has been uncovered that indicates that English goods were being smuggled into that city at a time when the Dutch supposedly controlled trading in the area. And in Sacramento an excavation at the site of a fashionable nineteenth-century hotel revealed that garbage had been stashed in the building's basement despite sanitation laws to the contrary.

What does the passage mainly discuss?

A.Why historical archaeology was first developed.

B.How the methods and purpose of historical archaeology have changed.

C.The contributions architects make to historical archaeology.

D.The attitude of professional archaeologists toward historical archaeology.

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