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Parrots are becoming one of the most popular pets in America -- and for good reason. T

he parrot is an extraordinary bird that can be taught to talk, can be easily cared for, and can create a lively atmosphere anywhere. With the help of an energetic parrot owner, a parrot can develop an enormous vocabulary. In addition, a parrot can be trained to say "Pretty boy" or "Polly wants a cracker, " and it also can learn to whistle or sing. No matter what an owner decides to teach a bird, training a parrot takes much patience, but the reward is a stream of chatter. Another reason for the parrot's popularity is that this pet does not require much care. For example, even a spoiled parrot does not need a house sitter for the purpose of daily walks and daily feeding. In fact, a parrot owner may leave his or her pet with enough food for five days and have no fear that the parrot will overeat. Still another advantage of owning a parrot is its inexpensive food, including seeds, nuts, corn, and grain -- along with an apple, banana, or carrot. Perhaps the most likely reason the parrot is becoming such a well-liked pet is that it is a combination of tameness and wildness. Because the parrot can live in almost any environment, it makes a fine, tame companion for many people. In addition, because it can be easily trained, it is a delightful performer. At the same time, its colorful feathers give it an air of the mystery of the parrot's native home, the jungle. Thus, the parrot, once a highly valued gift presented to kings and noble families, is now appreciated by a growing number of people.

1.A parrot can be trained to do all the following but ____.


B、help its owner


D、create a lively atmosphere

2.Which of the following is NOT a reason for the easy raising of the parrot? ____

A、It eats very little.

B、Its food is inexpensive.

C、It does not need a house sitter.

D、It does not require daily walks as dogs do.

3.The word "tameness" in the passage means ____.

A、the quality of being brave or unafraid

B、the quality of being kind or warm-hearted

C、the quality of being uncontrollable or fierce

D、the quality of being gentle or trained

4.The word "jungle" probably means ____.

A、boundless desert with very little plant life

B、large apartment building with pleasing surroundings

C、wild land overgrown with thick bushes and trees

D、snow-covered mountain top in very cold areas.

5.The writer ____.

A、likes the parrot

B、dislikes the parrot

C、does not like nor dislike the parrot

D、values the parrot highly

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更多“Parrots are becoming one of th…”相关的问题
The jolly, red-suited man who () into your home every year to leave you gifs hasn'
t always been so jolly. The real Saint Nick was a Turkish monk who lived in the 3rd century. He was () for being charitable and selfless, eventually becoming the patron saint of sailors and children. According to legend, he was a rich man thanks to an () from his parents, but he gave it all away in the form. of gifts to the less fortunate. He eventually became the most popular saint in Europe and, through his alter ego. Santa Claus, remains so to this day. But how did a long dead Turkish monk became a big, fat, reindeer. riding pole dweller?

The Dutch got the ball rolling by celebrating the saint- called Sinter Klaas- in New York in the latc-18" century. Our old friend, Washington Irving, included the legend of Saint Nick in his seminal History of New York as well, but at the turn of the 181 century, Saint Nick was still a rather () figure in America.

On December 23, 1823, though, a man named Clement Clarke Moore published a poem he had written for his daughters called “An Account of a Visit from St. Nicholas," better known now as ‘T’ as the night before Christmas." Nobody knows how much of the poem Moore invented, but we do know that it was the spark that () lit the Santa fire. Many of the things we associated with Santa一a sleigh, reindeer, Christmas Eve visits一came from Moore's poem.





D. skips




C. remarked













A. actually

B. generally

C. eventfully

D. eventually

阅读理解 Passage 1   Manners evolved differently i...

阅读理解 Passage 1   Manners evolved differently in different cultures. In earlier times there was a tendency for manners to become increasingly formal, and this was often viewed as progress. In the 18th and 19th centuries having good manners was seen as an important part of one’s education and social class, and it was necessary to be taken as a lady or a gentleman to get ahead in the world.   In the 20th and 21st centuries, manners have gradually become more relaxed and informal. The hosting of dinners and other social gatherings are no longer the exclusive privilege of the wealthy elite (精英), and private clubs are being gradually replaced by more open meeting places. So the manners of the salon (沙龙) are gradually combining with the manners of the pub. Clothing is a good indication of the changes in manners, as can be seen in the following examples.   It is surprising that the wearing of hats indoors by males is once again becoming acceptable. Students in North America often wear baseball caps to class. In many countries the wearing of hats indoors by males was once acceptable even in very polite society, but over the years this became considered as a lower-class behavior. and was thus discouraged in both the middle and upper classes. The young people who wear hats indoors do not realize they are actually restarting a very old cultural tradition.   A comparable development for females is the wearing of jeans. Many females now wear jeans on a daily basis, either at home or at work. Some see this as a symbolic declaration that they are now modern women, not girls or ladies. Some girls, like boys, wear baseball caps both indoors and outdoors.   Sneakers and shorts are now acceptable for either males or females in a variety of non-athletic situations. Some companies have rules requiring informal dress such as jeans or sneakers on Fridays (called “dress-down Friday” or “casual Friday”), and others permit it almost all the time. In these companies, and many others, it is acceptable to call the bosses by their first names. 1 What does the passage mainly talk about?

A、Changes of manners over time.

B、Formal manners in the earlier times.

C、Different manners in different cultures.

D、Development of manners in different classes.

Boxing for Fitness (健身)When it comes to boxing, most people think of two strong athlet

Boxing for Fitness (健身)

When it comes to boxing, most people think of two strong athletes in a ring trying to destroy each other with their fists. _____(1) It is a sport that people can get a great exercise from.

Boxing for fitness is fast becoming a popular way to exercise. It is easy to understand when you consider all the benefits of the sport. You will gain increased speed, skill and strength. _____(2) You will learn the basic attack skills and how to combine them effectively.

So you may wonder how I got started in boxing. I was already at the gym quite often, doing weight training. _____(3)But I was still soft around the midsection (上腹部).After a conversation with my boss at lunch one day he suggested I come to a boxing class with him. He is a very fit man in his 40s._____(4)And he told me all I needed to bring was a bottle of water and a towel.

If I have learnt anything from the experience, it is not to be afraid to try something new. No matter what your skill or fitness level is, boxing is good for you. The reason is that this exercise can be modified to suit you. _____(5)


A、I was getting stronger.B、Boxing is considered too cruel.C、You will learn the proper way to control your feetD、He offered to lend me a pair of boxing gloves.E、All in all, boxing for fitness is a great way to work out.F、However, boxing for fitness is something altogether different


A、I was getting stronger.B、Boxing is considered too cruel.C、You will learn the proper way to control your feetD、He offered to lend me a pair of boxing gloves.E、All in all, boxing for fitness is a great way to work out.F、However, boxing for fitness is something altogether different


A、I was getting stronger.B、Boxing is considered too cruel.C、You will learn the proper way to control your feetD、He offered to lend me a pair of boxing gloves.E、All in all, boxing for fitness is a great way to work out.F、However, boxing for fitness is something altogether different


A、I was getting stronger.B、Boxing is considered too cruel.C、You will learn the proper way to control your feetD、He offered to lend me a pair of boxing gloves.E、All in all, boxing for fitness is a great way to work out.F、However, boxing for fitness is something altogether different


A、I was getting stronger.B、Boxing is considered too cruel.C、You will learn the proper way to control your feetD、He offered to lend me a pair of boxing gloves.E、All in all, boxing for fitness is a great way to work out.F、However, boxing for fitness is something altogether different

Many of the most damaging and life threatening types of weather torrential rains, seve
re thunderstorms, and tornadoes begin quickly, strike suddenly, and disappear rapidly, destroying small regions while leaving neighboring areas untouched.Such event as a tornado struck the northeastern section of Edmonton, Alberta, in July 1987.Total damages from the tornado exceeded $250 million, the highest ever for any Canadian storm.

Conventional computer models of the atmosphere have limited value in predicting short lived local storms like the Edmonton tornado, because the available weather data are generally not detailed enough to allow computers to study carefully the subtle atmospheric changes that come before these storms.In most nations, for example, weather – balloon observations are taken just once every twelve hours at locations typically separated by hundreds of miles.With such limited data, conventional forecasting models do a much better job predicting general weather conditions over large regions than they do forecasting specific local events.

Until recently, the observation intensive approach needed for accurate, very short – range forecasts, or “Nowcasts,” was not feasible.The cost of equipping and operating many thousands of conventional weather stations was extremely high, and the difficulties involved in rapidly collecting and processing the raw weather data from such a network were hard to overcome.Fortunately, scientific and technological advances have overcome most of these problems.Radar systems, automated weather instruments, and satellites are all capable of making detailed, nearly continuous observation over large regions at a relatively low cost.Communications satellites can transmit data around the world cheaply and instantaneously, and modern computers can quickly compile and analyze this large volume of weather information.Meteorologists and computer scientists now work together to design computer programs and video equipment capable of transforming raw weather data into words, symbols, and vivid graphic displays that forecasters can interpret easily and quickly.As meteorologists have begun using these new technologies in weather forecasting offices, Nowcasting is becoming a reality.

11.The word “exceeded” in paragraph I most probably means ____________.

A.added up toB.were more than

C.were about D.were less than

12.Conventional computer models of the atmosphere fails to predict such a short – lived tornado because ______________.

A.the computer is not used to forecast specific local events

B.the computers are not advanced enough to predict it

C.the weather data people collect are often wrong

D.weather conditions in some small regions are not available

13.According to the passage, the word “Nowcast” (paragraph 3) means _______________.

A.a way of collecting raw weather data

B.a forecast which can predict the weather conditions in the small area in an accurate way

C.a network to collect instant weather data

D.a more advanced system of weather observation

14.According to the passage, ___________ is the key factor to making “Nowcasts” a reality.

A.scientific and technological advances such as radar, or satellites

B.computer scientist


D.advanced computer programs

15.According to the author, the passage mainly deals with ________________.

A.a tornado in Edmonton, Alberta

B.what’s a “Nowcast”

C.the disadvantage of conventional computer models of the weather forecast

D.a breakthrough in weather forecast

In cities across the United States, old factories, warehouses, schools railroad statio
ns and other buildings are being renovated for new uses.City planners and private investors are finding the good buildings, no matter how old, can be remodeled for new purposes.“If you’d asked someone four or five years ago whether he’d rent an apartment in an abandoned piano factory of clothing warehouse, he’d have thought you were crazy,” says a New York architect.“Today, many people are eager to do it.” The renovating may include a former city hall or courthouse changed into offices; a bank or church changed into a restaurant; or , as in Plains, Georgia, a railroad station used as a center for a presidential campaign.

Only a few decades ago, renovation was unpopular and generally far more expensive than taking down abandoned building and string from the beginning.A change began in the 1960s with a number of well-advertised projects.They included Ghirardelli Square in San Francisco, where an old chocolate factory was restored and made into shops and restaurants, Trolly Square in Salt Lake, where unused warehouses were made into artists’ studios and apartments.

What caused the change? “One reason is nostalgia,” a San Francisco builder suggests.“Maybe old is better than new, many people are saying.Feelings about preserving attractive or historic buildings have changed a great deal.” A second cause is economy.The cost of tearing down an old building and constructing a new one from nothing now has risen to the point where it is often less expensive to fix a solid older structure.Also builders realize that fixing up an existing building often requires no new permits, sewer lines, or water connections.

Even when the costs of restoration are the same as or a bit more than the costs of putting up a new building, fixing the old building may be better.A Boston architect says The advantage comes when you can develop a final project that is more desirable than a new building – one with the right location, more space, more floor area, a special character, materials of a particular quality.” Gradually, architects and builders are developing knowledge about renovation and preservation, bringing imagination and creativity to the job.

16.In the United States, renovating old buildings_____.

A.has had a long history

B.is becoming increasingly popular

C.is still unpopular

D.has just caught the fancy of architects and builders

17.Ghirardelli Square, Trolley Square, and the Soho district are projects that_________.

A.have been given much publicity

B.are little known to the public

C.have been widely discussed among builders and city planners

D.have changed the building business

18.“Nostalgia” in the 3rd paragraph most probably means________.

A.being conservative

B.being keen on saving money

C.being fond of things new

D.being fond of things of the remote past

19.Which of the following statements is true?

A.Every old building can be renovated for new uses

B.Renovating old buildings is always less costly than putting up new ones

C.Renovation does not require imagination and creativity

D.Fixing an old building may have advantages even when it costs a little more

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