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—Who made a phone call to me just now ,David?—I don't know, but is was a girl's

—Who made a phone call to me just now ,David?

—I don't know, but is was a girl's_____.





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The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for circumstanc
es they want, and if they cannot find them, make them. Such is the remark made by Bernard Shaw, a great writer.

It was China(A) who(B) first made paper two thousand(C) years ago(D).
It was China(A) who(B) first made paper two thousand(C) years ago(D).

After her husband had gone to work,Mrs. Richards sent her children to school and wen
t upstairs to her bedroom.She was too excited to do any housework that morning.

In the evening she would go to a fancy dress party with her husband.She wanted to dress up as a ghost (鬼,鬼魂) and as she had made her costume (化妆舞会上的化装服) the night before,she was impatient to try it on.Though the costume consisted only of a sheet,it was really splendid.After putting it on,she went downstairs to find out whether it would be comfortable to wear. ,

Just as Mrs. Richards was entering the dining-room, there was a knock on the front door.She knew it must be the baker (面包师).She had told him to come straight in if ever she failed to open the door and to leave the bread on the table.Not wanting to frighten the poor man,she quickly hid in the small store-room under the stair.She heard the front door opened and heavy footsteps in the hall.Suddenly the door of the store-room was opened and in came a man.Mrs. Richards realized it must be the man from the Electricity Board who had come to read the meter (水表读数).She tried to explain the situation,saying “It’s only me.” But it was too late,the man let out a cry and jumped back several paces.When Mrs. Richards walked towards him,he fled, closing the door heavily behind him.

(1).The reason for Mrs. Richards’ excitement that day was that().

A、 she had sent her children to school

B、 she was to attend an evening party

C、 she wouldn’t do any housework that morning

D、 she had made a special costume the night before

(2). Mrs. Richards went downstairs with the costume on so as to().

A、 make sure that the costume fitted her well

B、 frighten the person who was knocking on the door

C、 find out if she had finished the costume

D、 receive the bread and do some cooking

(3).The man who was knocking at the door was ().

A、a baker

B、a thief

C、her husba

D、an electricity man

(4).What did the man do after he knocked on the front door?()

A、He entered just as Mrs. Richards had told him to.

B、He did not do anything as Mrs. Richards had expected him to.

C、He stepped directly towards the store-room.

D、He went straight in so as to find Mrs. Richards

(5).The man _________and that made him cry out and run away.()

A、 thought he must have met a ghost

B、 recognized Mrs. Richards

C、 found out Mrs. Richards was walking towards him

D、 thought that Mrs. Richards must have recognized him

Copper(铜)was the first metal that man learned to make.In some mountainous lands ther
Copper(铜)was the first metal that man learned to make.In some mountainous lands ther

e were rocks streaked with green minerals.One day some rocks were accidentally heated by a roaring fire.When the fire burned low,little beads of copper were seen on the rock wall.After that,men heated the rock deliberately to see whether more copper would appear.They soon found a good way to make copper.They would build a trench on a hillside and fill it with charcoal and copper-bearing rock.They covered this furnace with flat stones.They started a wood fire to heat the charcoal and the hot charcoal released copper from the rock.A hot red pool of melted metal formed at the mouth of the trench.When it was cool,the solid metal could be lifted out and cut and pounded into shapes.

The first copper was probably made by()



C、someone deliberately building a fire

D、someone who knew that there was copper in the rock

Man has always wanted to fly.Some of the greatest men in history have thought about th
e problem.One of these,for example,was the great Italian artist, Leonardo da Vinci(达·芬奇).In the sixteenth century he made designs for machines that would fly.But they were never built.Throughout history, other less famous men have wanted to fly.An example was a man in England 800 years ago.He made a pair of wings from chicken feathers.Then he fixed them to his body and jumped into the air from a tall building.He did not fly very far.Instead,he fell to the ground and broke every bone in his body.

The first real steps took place in France, in 1783.Two brothers, the Montgolfiers, made a very large “hot air balloon”.They knew that hot air rises.Why not fill a balloon with it?The balloon was made of cloth and paper.In September of that year,the King and Queen of France came to see the balloon.They watched it carry the very first air passengers into the sky.The passengers were a sheep and a chicken.We do not know how they felt about the trip.But we do know that the trip lasted eight minutes and that the animals landed safely.Two months later,two men did the same thing.They rose above Paris in a balloon of the same kind.Their trip lasted twenty-five minutes and they travelled about eight kilometers.

26.Leonardo da Vinci ______ .

A.said that man would fly in the sky one day

B.built a kind of machine which never flew

C.drew many beautiful pictures of birds

D.made designs for flying machine

27.Eight hundred years ago an Englishman ______ .

A.made a kind of flying machine

B.tried to fly with wings made of chicken feather

C.wanted to build a kind of balloon

D.tried to fly on a large bird

28.In fact,the Englishman who tried to fly ______ .

A.lost his life

B.flew only 8minutes

C.got badly wounded

D.succeeded in flying

29.The very first air passengers in the balloon were ______.

A.two animals

B.two Frenchmen

C.the King and the Queen

D.the Montgolfiers

30.When did two Frenchmen rise above Paris?______

A.In December 1783.

B.In September 1783.

C.In November 1783.

D.In the seventeenth century.

Monthly Meeting Minutes of Board of DirectorsTime:2:30p.m.,March5,2015Place:Conference R

Monthly Meeting Minutes of Board of Directors


Place:Conference Room, second floor of 3T Co. Ltd.

Participants:All the directors

Chairman:Chairman of the board, Mr. William Forest

Minutes keeper: Linda

The main activities at the meeting are as follows:

Firstly, Mr. William Forest, chairman of the board, made a report on the work and total sales of the company this season. Then the report was followed by a heated discussion.

Secondly,all the directors agreed to hold a press conference for the company next month.

Thirdly, the meeting suggested inciting experts from Canada to give a five-day training course to staff in the Sales Department.

The meeting finished at 3 : 30 p. m.

1. Who are the meeting participants?

A.The directors

B.The interviewees

C.The executive assistants

2.How many activities does the meeting have?




3.Mr. William Forest made a report on

A.the work and total sales of the company

B.the advertisement policies of the company

C.the training course in the Sales Department

4.What did all the directors agree to do

A.To carry out a training project in the company next year.

B.To have another board meeting of all directors next season.

C.To hold a press conference for the company next month.

5.How long did the meeting last?

A.1 hour

B.2 hours

C.3 hours

When a German couple noticed a man's head and shoulder sticking out of a glacier i
n the Austrian Alps recently, they made history.The frozen corpse was about five feet 11 and scientists who helicoptered to the site determined that it was 4,000 years old-the first 12 body ever found from the Bronze Age.Mummified by the wind and snow, he came 13 with skin, bones, internal organs, and fingernails.He was 14 in leather shoes and finely stitched leather suit, insulated with hay.An array of weapons and equipment was found alongside him 15 a leather quiver with fourteen arrows, a stone necklace, a fire flint, a knife, and a ax with a crude bronze head.

“The find is of 16 scientific meaning,” said Konrad Spindler, professor of Early and Primeval History at the University of Innsbruck, who is investigating the 17 .Skeletal remains of buried corpses have been excavated before in Bronze Age graves.But “the iceman,” as Austrian newspapers dubbed him, was going about the normal course of life when he died 18 the ages of 20 and 40, which means he should yield a treasure-trove of information about conditions 4,000 years ago.Scientists plan to 19 the contents of his stomach and intestine for clues to the Bronze Age diet, illnesses, and parasites.They also hoped to 20 the glacier site further for companions.









































The United States is a country made up of many different races.Usually they are mixed
together and can't be told from one another.But many of them still talk about where their ancestors came from.It is something they are proud of.

The original Americans, of course were the Indians.The so-called white men who then came were mostly from England.But many came from other countries like Germany and France.

One problem the United States has always had is discrimination.As new groups came to the United States, they found they were discriminated against.First it was the Irish and Italians.Later it was the blacks.Almost every group has been able to finally escape this discrimination.The only immigrants who have not are the blacks.Surprisingly enough the worst discrimination today is shown towards the Indians.

One reason the Indians are discriminated against is that they have tried so hard to keep their identity.Of course they are not the only ones who have done so.The Japanese have their Little Tokyo in Los Angeles and the Chinese a Chinatown in New York.The Dutchsettlement in Pennsylvania also stays separate from other people.Their towns are like something from the 19th century, They have a different reason from the other groups for staying separately.They live separately for religious reasons rather than keep together in a racial group.

Although some groups have kept themselves separate and others have been discriminated against, all groups have helped make the United States a great country.There is no group that has not helped in some way.And there is no group that can say they have done the most to make it a great country.

Many people still come from other countries to help the United States grow.A good example is the American project that let a man walk on the moon.It was a scientist from Germany who was most responsible for doing that.It is certain that in the future the United States will still need the help of people from all racial groups to remain a great country.

26.Which of the following statements can best describe the main idea of this passage? ()

A.The United States is a country made up of many different races.

B.Discrimination is the most serious problem in the United States.

C.All races in the United States have helped make the country a great one.

D.The prosperity of the United States is mainly due to the hard work of the most discriminated races.

27.In the first paragraph the word “told” means().




D.made known

28.This passage implies that discrimination is a problem which().

A.many races in the United States have experienced

B.will still be very serious in the United States in the future

C.has already been solved in the United States

D.is strongly opposed by many different races in the United States

29.The main reason why the Indians are most discriminated against is that().

A.they have tried hard to keep their religions

B.they have tried hard to live together to keep their Indian customs

C.they are the only ones who have tried to keep their identity

D.they discriminate many other races

30.The Dutch live separately in Pennsylvania().

A.to escape discrimination

B.to keep together in a racial group

C.to enjoy themselves in their own towns

D.for religious reasons

(1) Life can be tough for immigrants in America. A...

(1) Life can be tough for immigrants in America. As a Romanian bank clerk in Atlanta puts it, to find a good job “you have to be like a wolf in the forest – able to smell out the best meat.” And if you can’t find work, don’t expect the taxpayer to bail you out. Unlike in some European countries, it is extremely hard for an able-bodied immigrant to live off the state. A law passed in 1996 explicitly bars most immigrants, even those with legal status, from receiving almost any federal benefits. (2) That is one reason why America absorbs immigrants better than any other rich countries, according to a new study by the University of California. The researchers sought to measure the effect of immigration on the native-born in 20 rich countries, taking into account differences in skills between immigrants and natives, imperfect labor markets and the size of the welfare state in each country. (3) Their results offer ammunition for fans of more open borders. In 19 out of 20 countries, the authors calculated that shutting the doors entirely to foreign workers would make the native-born worse off. Never mind what it would do to the immigrants themselves, who benefit far more than anyone else from being allowed to cross borders to find work. (4) The study also suggests that most countries could handle more immigration than they currently allow. In America, a one-percentage point increase in the proportion of immigrants in the population made the native-born 0.05% better off. The opposite was true in some countries with generous or ill-designed welfare states, however. A one-point rise in immigration made the native-born slightly worse off in Austria, Belgium, Germany, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Sweden and Switzerland. In Belgium, immigrants who lose jobs can receive almost two-thirds of their most recent wage in state benefits, which must make the hunt for a new job less urgent. (5) None of these effects was large, but the study undermines the claim that immigrants steal jobs from native or drag down their wages. Many immigrants take jobs that Americans do not want, the study finds. This “smooths” the labor market and ultimately creates more jobs for locals. Native-owned grocery stores do better business because there are immigrants to pick the fruit they sell. Indian computer scientists help American software firms expand. A previous study found that because immigrants typically earn less than locals with similar skills, they boost corporate profits, prompting companies to grow and hire more locals. 1. Increase in immigration in Austria fails to improve locals’ life mainly because of ________.

A、low wages for locals

B、imperfect labor markets

C、the design of the welfare system

D、inadequate skills of immigrants

What are the beauties of Hawaii? Let’s start with four.The beach, famous for its water
What are the beauties of Hawaii? Let’s start with four.The beach, famous for its water

What are the beauties of Hawaii? Let’s start with four.

The beach, famous for its water temperature, air temperature and waves, is the first beauty.There are hundreds of miles of beaches on the twenty islands of Hawaii.They are thought to be among the finest beaches in the world.

Then, what do you think would be the second beautiful thing? It is volcanoes (火山), of course.These volcanoes are not just a part of the islands; they made the islands in the first place.Because of them the islands are still growing.

What would be the third thing of beauty that the first visitor to Hawaii would notice? It probably wouldn’t be just one thing, but many things: all the wonderful fruits and flower s of the islands.Sugar cane, bananas and pineapples are Hawaii’s biggest exports.Sugar cane has been growing in Hawaii for a thousand years.As for pineapples, the islands produce more than any other places in the world, which has made Dole Company the b iggest fruit-packing company in the world.

The fourth and most beautiful thing about Hawaii is the people who live there.The Hawaiians never rush, and perhaps this is because they care more for human life than they care for the machine.There is an old H awaiian law that a man can go to sleep in the middle of the road if he wants to.What makes the people of Hawaii so beautiful is their feeling about people.There are 64 different combinations of races on the islands, and they all live in peace.They belie ve “Above all nations is humanity.” That is the most beautiful thing of all.

1.According to the passage, Hawaii is made up of().

A.one island

B.twenty islands

C.sixty-four islands

D.hundreds of islands

2.Why are the volcanoes so special to the islands?()

A.They are not a part of the islands

B.They actually made the islands

C.They are the first in the world

D.They are growing

3.What has made Dole Company the biggest fruit-packing company in the world?()


B.Sugar cane



4.The people in Hawaii are the most beautiful thing because().

A.they had a peaceful history

B.they can sleep in the middle of the road

C.there are 64 different races on the islands

D.they care more for people than anything else

5.According to the passage, “above all nations is humanity” might mean ().

A.not all nations have humanity

B.humanity is as important as a nation

C.humanity has no national boundaries

D.all human being s should live in peace

The 12th lunar month in Chinese is called layue(the month to worship all the deities)
The 12th lunar month in Chinese is called layue(the month to worship all the deities)

.The 8th day of the 12the lunar month is the Laba Festival.It is treated as the beginning of the Chinese holiday season.After the Laba Festival,people enter into the busy preparation for the Lunar New Year.The main activity of the Laba Festival is cooking and sharing the special laba gruel(laba-zhou).Most people believe it has a close relation to Sakyamuni,the Buddha.He left his comfortable home and set off in search of the final enlightenment.After days of travelling without rest,he collapsed near a river in northern India.He was revived by a wandering shepherdess,who offered him her lunch of family leftovers consisting of sticky cereal,glutinous rice,dates,chestnuts and wild fruit.After consuming this repast,Sakyamuni took a batch and sat under a tree for meditation,where he finally attained enlightenment.The very day was the 8th day of the last lunar month.The meal was the original laba gruel.

Sakyamuni ate a meal which was made of all the following except()

A、wild fruit




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