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Chomsky uses the term ()to refer to the ideal users knowledge of the rules of his la





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Contrary to Saussure, Chomsky thinks that what linguists should study is the ideal sp





The LIFO conformity rule requires that if a company uses LIFO for tax purposes, it mus
t also use LIFO for financial accounting purposes.()


When a company uses the double-entry method, the total dollar amount of debits recorde
d must equal the total dollar amount of credits recorded, and the number of debit and credit entries also must equal.()



A firm uses cloth and labor lo produce shirts in a factory that it bought for S 10 million. Which of its factor inputs are measured as flows and which as stocks? How would your answer change if the firm had leased a factory instead of buying one? Is its output measured as a flow or a stock? What about its profit?

Learning the language of a country isn't enough.If you know the manners of your fo
reign friends, you will probably be surprised just how different they can be from your own.

A visitor to India should remember it is impolite there to use the left hand for passing food at the table.The left hand is for washing yourself.Also in India, you might see a man shaking his head at another to show that he is disagree ing.But in many parts of India a side-to-side movement of the head is to show agreement.In Bulgaria you shake your head to show "yes"—a nod shows "no".

In Europe it is quite usual to cross your legs while sitting and talking to someone, even at an impor tant meeting.But doing this could cause offence to a Thailander.Touching the head of a grown-up is also not done in Thailand.

Knowing about manners is useful when you are traveling, and you also need to know the language used to express the customs.

1.If you are staying in India, you'd better().

A.not use your left hand to pass food at the table

B.use your left hand to pass food at the table

C.not use your left hand to wash yourself

D.use your left hand at all times

2.To shake your h ead means “Yes” ().

A.in India

B.in Europe

C.in Bulgaria

D.in Thailand

3.You can easily make a Thailander angry by().

A.touching his head

B.crossing your legs while talking to him

C.shaking your head

D.nodding your head

4.The wri ter thinks that to know about a country well one must().

A.know the language of the country

B.know the manners of the country

C.know the manners better than the language

D.know both the language and the manners

5.We can learn from the passag e that().

A.different countries have different manners

B.the manners in Thailand are the same as those in India

C.one should be careful not to cross legs in Europe

D.one should not touch a grown-up's head in India

一个企业以劳动作为单一投入,产出为q. 生产函数为q=8L1/2。商品售价是150美元/单位,工资






A firm uses a single input, labor, to produce output q according to the production function q =8√L. The commodity sells for S 150 per unit and the wage rule is $ 75 per hour.

a. Find the profit - maximizing quantity of L.

b. Find the profit - maximizing quantity of q.

c. What is the maximum profit?

d. Suppose now that the firm is taxed $ 30 per unit of output and that the wage rate is subsidized at a rate of $ 15 per hour. Assume that the firm is a price taker, so the price of the product remains at $ 150. Find the new profit - maximizing levels of L, q, and profit.

e. Now suppose that the firm is required to pay a 20 percent lax on its profit. Find the new profit - maximizing levels of L, q, and profit.

The ordinary raindrop is a mighty earth mover with sufficient strength to cut rock. Wh
en rainwater collects on the surface of the ground, some of it evaporates and some of it sinks into the earth. The remainder begins to flow downhill, commencing its lengthy journey form. brook to stream to lake, or to a river that will carry it to the sea.

As water flows along the ground, it picks up sand, pebbles, even boulders. It uses them to gnaw at the sides and bottom of its channel, gradually loosening more earth.

By this process enormous amounts of mud and rock are moved from the land to the sea. Each year the Mississippi River carries 730 million tons of solid matter into the Gulf of Mexico.

This constant hauling of land into the sea is lowering the United States’ average height above sea level at a rate of about one foot every 9000 years. If erosion continues at the same rate, the United States will be worn completely down to sea level in about 23 million years.

1.Erosion by water results in _______.

A、wearing down the soil

B、building up land

C、enriching the soil

D、both B and C

2.Flowing water gradually makes its channel ______.




D、both B and C

3.Implied but not stated: ________

A、Millions of years ago the United States was higher than it is now

B、Great amounts of land are moved to the sea by rivers

C、The water that sinks into the earth also reaches the ocean

D、The Gulf of Mexico will be filled up in about 23 million years

4.The best title for this selection is ________.

A、How Water Destroys Mountains

B、How Rivers Help Us

C、The Average Height of the United States

D、The Mighty Raindrop

5.The average height of the United States above sea level ___.

A、is being raised each year

B、remains constant

C、will reach sea level in 9000 years

D、is being lowered little by little

In cities across the United States, old factories, warehouses, schools railroad statio
ns and other buildings are being renovated for new uses.City planners and private investors are finding the good buildings, no matter how old, can be remodeled for new purposes.“If you’d asked someone four or five years ago whether he’d rent an apartment in an abandoned piano factory of clothing warehouse, he’d have thought you were crazy,” says a New York architect.“Today, many people are eager to do it.” The renovating may include a former city hall or courthouse changed into offices; a bank or church changed into a restaurant; or , as in Plains, Georgia, a railroad station used as a center for a presidential campaign.

Only a few decades ago, renovation was unpopular and generally far more expensive than taking down abandoned building and string from the beginning.A change began in the 1960s with a number of well-advertised projects.They included Ghirardelli Square in San Francisco, where an old chocolate factory was restored and made into shops and restaurants, Trolly Square in Salt Lake, where unused warehouses were made into artists’ studios and apartments.

What caused the change? “One reason is nostalgia,” a San Francisco builder suggests.“Maybe old is better than new, many people are saying.Feelings about preserving attractive or historic buildings have changed a great deal.” A second cause is economy.The cost of tearing down an old building and constructing a new one from nothing now has risen to the point where it is often less expensive to fix a solid older structure.Also builders realize that fixing up an existing building often requires no new permits, sewer lines, or water connections.

Even when the costs of restoration are the same as or a bit more than the costs of putting up a new building, fixing the old building may be better.A Boston architect says The advantage comes when you can develop a final project that is more desirable than a new building – one with the right location, more space, more floor area, a special character, materials of a particular quality.” Gradually, architects and builders are developing knowledge about renovation and preservation, bringing imagination and creativity to the job.

16.In the United States, renovating old buildings_____.

A.has had a long history

B.is becoming increasingly popular

C.is still unpopular

D.has just caught the fancy of architects and builders

17.Ghirardelli Square, Trolley Square, and the Soho district are projects that_________.

A.have been given much publicity

B.are little known to the public

C.have been widely discussed among builders and city planners

D.have changed the building business

18.“Nostalgia” in the 3rd paragraph most probably means________.

A.being conservative

B.being keen on saving money

C.being fond of things new

D.being fond of things of the remote past

19.Which of the following statements is true?

A.Every old building can be renovated for new uses

B.Renovating old buildings is always less costly than putting up new ones

C.Renovation does not require imagination and creativity

D.Fixing an old building may have advantages even when it costs a little more

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