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The good thing about the group trip is that the price includes everything.(英译汉)

The good thing about the group trip is that the price includes everything.(英译汉)

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更多“The good thing about the group…”相关的问题
I made a pledge to myself on the way down to the vacation beach cottage.For two weeks
I made a pledge to myself on the way down to the vacation beach cottage.For two weeks I would try to be a loving husband and father.Totally loving.No ifs, ands or buts.

The idea had come to me as I listened to a talk on my car radio.The speaker was quoting a Biblical (圣经的) passage about husbands being thoughtful of heir wives.Then he went on to say, “Love is an act of will.A person can choose to love.” To myself, I had to admit that I had been a selfish husband.Well, for two weeks that would change.

And it did.Right from the moment I kissed Evelyn at the door and said, “That new yellow sweater looks great on you.”

“Oh, Tom, you noticed,” she said, surprised and pleased.Maybe a little puzzled.

After the long drive, I wanted to sit and read.Evelyn suggested a walk on the beach.I started to refuse, but then I thought, “Evelyn’s been alone here with the kids all week and now she wants to be alone with me.” We walked on the beach while the children flew their kites.

So it went.Two weeks of not calling the Wall Street firm where I am a director; a visit to the shell museum though I usually hate museums.Relaxed and happy, that’s how the whole vacation passed.I made a new pledge to keep on remembering to choose love.

There was one thing that went wrong with my experiment, however.Evelyn and I still laugh about it today.On the last night at our cottage, preparing for bed, Evelyn stared at me with the saddest expression.

“What’s the matter?” I asked her.

“Tom,” she said in a voice filled with distress, “do you know something I don’t?”

“What do you mean?”

“Well… that checkup (体检) I had several weeks ago … our doctor… did he tell you something about me? Tom, you’ve been so good to me… am I dying?”

It took a moment for it all to sink in.then I burst out laughing.

“No, honey,” I said, wrapping her in my arms.“You’re not dying; I’m just starting to live.”

26.In the first paragraph, “No ifs, ands or buts” probably means “_________”.





27.From the story we may infer that Tom drove to the beach cottage ________.

A.with his family

B.with Evelyn


D.with his children

28.During the two weeks on the beach, Tom showed more love to his wife because ____________.

A.she looked lovely in her new clothes

B.he had made a lot of money in his Wall Street firm

C.he was determined to be a good husband

D.she was seriously ill

29.The author says, “There was one thing that went wrong with my experiment.” What was the one thing that went wrong?

A.He praised her sweater, which puzzled her.

B.She insisted on visiting a museum, which he hated.

C.He knew something about her illness but didn’t tell her.

D.He was so good to her that she thought she must be dying.

30.By saying “I’m just starting to live,” Tom means that ____________.

A.he is just beginning to understand the real meaning of life

B.he is just beginning to enjoy life as a loving husband

C.he lived an unhappy life before and is now starting to change

D.he is beginning to feel regret for what he did to his wife before

By saying "suffering can be a blessing", the author means that ______.A.a bad thing is gen

By saying "suffering can be a blessing", the author means that ______.

A.a bad thing is generally followed by a good thing

B.it is hard to tell a bad thing from a good thing

C.a bad thing sometimes can do good to people

D.a thing bad to one person may be good to another

At the bottom of Pandora’s jar was one good thing — hope.()
If you want to learn a new language, the very first thing to think about is why. Do you
need it for a __________ reason, such as your job or your studies?_________ perhaps you’re interested in the _________ ,films or music of a different country and you know how much it will help to have a _________ of the language.

Most people learn best using a variety of _________, but traditional classes are an ideal(理想的)start for many people. They _______ an environment where you can practice under the ________ of someone who’s good at the language. We all lead ________ lives and learning a language takes _______. You will have more success if you study regularly, so try to develop a ________. It doesn’t matter if you haven’t got long. Becoming fluent in a language will take years, but learning to get by takes ________.

Many people start learning a language and soon give up. “I’m too _______,” they say. Yes, children do learn languages more _______ than adults, but research has shown that you can learn a language at any ________. And learning is good for the health of your brain, too. I’ve also heard people ________ about the mistakes they make when ________. Well, relax and laugh about your mistakes ________ you’re much less likely to make them again.

Learning a new language is never ________. But with some work and devotion, you’ll make progress. And you’ll be _________ by the positive reaction of some people when you say just a few words in ________ own language. Good luck!

1.A. technical B. political C. practical D. physical

2.A. After B. So C. Though D. Or

3.A. literature B. transport C. agriculture D. medicine

4.A. view B. knowledge C. form. D. database

5.A. paintings B. regulations C. methods D. computers

6.A. protect B. change C. respect D. provide

7.A. control B. command C. guidance D. pressure

8.A. busy B. happy C. simple D. normal

9.A. courage B. time C. energy D. place

10.A. theory B. business C. routine D. project

11.A. some risks B. a lot less C. some notes D. a lot more

12.A. old B. nervous C. weak D. tired

13.A. closely B. quickly C. privately D. quietly

14.A. age B. speed C. distance D. school

15.A. worry B. hesitate C. think D. quarrel

16.A. singing B. working C. bargaining D. learning

17.A. if B. and C. but D. before

18.A. tiresome B. hard C. interesting D. easy

19.A. blamed B. amazed C. interrupted D. informed

20.A. their B. his C. our D. your

– Could you show me how to work the photocopier? I am not sure where to put the paper.–(

A.No, we haven’t got a thing like a photocopier.

B.Sure, I would be glad to.

C.Yes, it’s a really good thin


Manners are very important in every country, but the trouble is that different countries
have different ideas about what counts as polite behavior. What is good manners in one country may not be appropriate behavior. in another. Chinese people may be shocked at what counts as good manners in England

When an Englishman passes a friend in the street he does not always stop to talk. He may just nod, say “hello” and pass on. If two friends do stop to talk, they do not shake hands. It is only at parties for young people(students, for instance)that a person could go up to someone he does not know and introduce himself. On more formal occasions or at parties run by older people a guest always waits to be introduced to someone he does not know by the host, hostess or another guest who he already knows. At even a formal dinner an Englishman does not wait for a toast before he has a drink. The English reserve toasts for very formal or very special occasions. In these cases the toast will usually be accompanied by a short speech, for example, at a wedding reception or at a party for somebody who is retiring. After a private dinner in someone’s house an Englishman will only shake hands with the host and hostess if it is a fairly formal occasion, like a business dinner, and he will usually put his coat on and say goodbye as he leaves the house.

Luckily, like Chinese people, the English usually excuse foreign students over matters of etiquette. But even so, perhaps the safest advice for the overseas student, no matter what country he is visiting, is to follow the old proverb: when in Rome, do as the Romans do.

1.What will a person do when he attends a party run by older people? ()A、Go up to a stranger and introduce himself.

B、Ask his friend to introduce him to others.

C、Give a speech in front of others to introduce himself.

D、Wait to be introduced by the hoss/hostess.

2.Which of the following best explains the proverb: when in Rome, do as the Romans do. ()

A、If you go to Rome, you must do things like the Romans.

B、When you go to a foreign country, you should learn something about their manners.

C、Romans always do the right thing, so you should follow them.

D、Manners in Roman are as easy to follow as in other countries.

We can make mistakes at any age.Some mistakes we make are about money.But most mistake
s are about people."Did Jerry really care when I broke up with Helen?" "When I got that great job, did Jerry really feel good about it, as a friend? Or did he envy my luck?" When we look back, doubts like these can make us feel bad.But when we look back, it's too late.

Why do we go wrong about our friends--or our enemies? Sometimes what people say hides their real meaning.And if we don't really listen, we miss the feeling behind the words.Suppose someone tells you, "you're a lucky dog".Is he really on your side? If he says, "You're a lucky guy" or "You're a lucky gal", that's being friendly.But "lucky dog"? There's a bit of envy in those words.Maybe he doesn't see it himself.But bringing in the "dog" bit puts you down a little.What he may be saying is that he doesn't think you deserve your luck.

How can you tell the real meaning behind someone's words? One way is to take a good look at the person talking.Do his words fit the way he looks? Does what he says square with the tone of voice? His posture (体态)? The look in his eyes? Stop and think.The minute you spend thinking about the real meaning of what people say to you may save another mistake.

1.From the questions in the first paragraph we can learn that tile speaker ().

A.feels happy, thinking of how nice his friends were to him

B.feels he may not have "read" his friends' true feelings correctly

C.thinks it was a mistake to have broken up with his girl friend, Helen

D.is sorry that his friends let him down

2.In the second paragraph, the author uses the example of "You're a lucky dog" to showthat ().

A.the speaker of this sentence is just being friendly

B.this saying means the same as "You're a lucky guy' or "You're a lucky gal"

C.sometimes the words used by a speaker give a clue to the feeling behind the words

D.the word "dog" shouldn't be used to apply to people

3.This passage tries to tell you how to ().

A.avoid mistakes about money and friends

B.bring the "dog" bit into our conversation

C.avoid mistakes in understanding what people tell you

D.keep people friendly without trusting them

4.In listening to a person, the important thing is ().

A.to notice his tone, his posture, and the look in his eyes

B.to listen to how he pronounces his words

C.to check his words against his manner, his tone of voice, and his posture

D.not to believe what he says

5.If you followed the advice of the writer, you would ().

A.be able to get the real meaning of what people say to you

B.avoid any mistakes while talking with people who envy you

C.not lose real friends who say things that do not please you

D.be able to observe people as they are talking to you

College is a new and different experience for me. I'm away from home, so I have many
things to adjust to, such as being on my own and meeting many different types of people. There are a lot of things that I like about college that I would like to describe for you.

First of all, living at college gives me a sense of responsibility and of being on my own. My parents aren't around to say, "No, you're not going out tonight," or "Did you finish your homework?" Everything I do has to be my decision, and that makes me responsible for my own life. During the second week I was at college, I had to go out and look for a bank where I could open an account. And when I got to the bank, I had to decide whether to have a checking or savings account and whether or not to get a credit card. Decisions! Decisions! Friendly people are another thing I like about college. On the first day I came to Marymount University here in Virginia from New York, I was a bit confused about where I was going. My mother and I drove in. We did not know the building we were supposed to go to, but the guard was very nice. With a smile, he told us what building we were looking for and where we could park our car. My room was on the first floor of New Gerard, and I knew I had to go through some glass doors, but my mother and I didn't know which ones. Some students saw me and asked, "Are you a new student?" When they found out I was looking for New Gerard, one said, "Oh, just follow us; that's where we're going." Even now I feel comfortable in the dorm because there are friendly people around to talk with.I do like a lot of things about college, but that doesn't mean I don't think about things at home. Although I like college, I can still get homesick. New York is a very good place, too! And sometimes I miss it!

6. The text is perhaps written by ________.

A. a new student

B. a new teacher

C. a foreign reporter

D. a foreign visitor

7. What does "gives me a sense of responsibility" in the first sentence of Paragraph 2 mean? It means it makes me feel ________.

A. responsible for my parents.

B. responsible for my teacher.

C. responsible for the school.

D. responsible for myself.

8. One thing that he liked was ________.

A. the comfortable dorm

B. finding his way around

C. his studies as a first year student

D. the friendly people

9. What is New Gerard?

A. It's a student's name.

B. It's a teacher's name.

C. It's a dorm's name.

D. It's a school's name.

10. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. People in Marymount University are friendly.

B. The writer likes the new experience in the university.

C. The writer drove to Marymount University with his mother.

D. The writer is not homesick

We can make mistakes at any age.Some mistakes we make are about money.But most mistake
s are about people."Did Jerry really care when I broke up with Helen?" "When I got that great job, did Jerry really feel good about it, as a friend? Or did he envy my luck?" When we look back, doubts like these can make us feel bad.But when we look back, it's too late.

Why do we go wrong about our friends--or our enemies? Sometimes what people say hides their real meaning.And if we don't really listen, we miss the feeling behind the words.Suppose someone tells you, "you're a lucky dog".Is he really on your side? If he says, "You're a lucky guy" or "You're a lucky gal", that's being friendly.But "lucky dog"? There's a bit of envy in those words.Maybe he doesn't see it himself.But bringing in the "dog" bit puts you down a little.What he may be saying is that he doesn't think you deserve your luck.

How can you tell the real meaning behind someone's words? One way is to take a good look at the person talking.Do his words fit the way he looks? Does what he says square with the tone of voice? His posture (体态)? The look in his eyes? Stop and think.The minute you spend thinking about the real meaning of what people say to you may save another mistake.

1.From the questions in the first paragraph we can learn that tile speaker _____.

A.feels happy, thinking of how nice his friends were to him

B.feels he may not have "read" his friends' true feelings correctly

C.thinks it was a mistake to have broken up with his girl friend, Helen

D.is sorry that his friends let him down

2.In the second paragraph, the author uses the example of "You're a lucky dog" to show that __________.

A.the speaker of this sentence is just being friendly

B.this saying means the same as "You're a lucky guy' or "You're a lucky gal"

C.sometimes the words used by a speaker give a clue to the feeling behind the words

D.the word "dog" shouldn't be used to apply to people

3.This passage tries to tell you how to __________.

A.avoid mistakes about money and friends

B.bring the "dog" bit into our conversation

C.avoid mistakes in understanding what people tell you

D.keep people friendly without trusting them

4.In listening to a person, the important thing is __________.

A.to notice his tone, his posture, and the look in his eyes

B.to listen to how he pronounces his words

C.to check his words against his manner, his tone of voice, and his posture

D.not to believe what he says

5.If you followed the advice of the writer, you would __________.

A.be able to get the real meaning of what people say to you

B.avoid any mistakes while talking with people who envy you

C.not lose real friends who say things that do not please you

D.be able to observe people as they are talking to you

Cars–curse or craze?Johnny Watson, 30It is easy to criticize cars – they cause pollutio

Cars–curse or craze?

Johnny Watson, 30

It is easy to criticize cars – they cause pollution and accidents, and so on. But what are alternatives? Nobody wants to travel in a slow, smelly old bus when you can relax in the comfort of your own car. In most countries, the public transport system is inadequate, expensive and inefficient – and anyway, cities today are designed to meet drivers’ needs, with fast roads and car parks everywhere. The car industry also provides thousands of jobs. Roads are getting safer and more efficient every year, and cars are causing less pollution because of lead-free petrol and other technological improvement. What’s the problem?

Amanda Rees, 33

I am much happier now that I don’t have my car. I used to spend an hour stuck in a traffic jam each morning and that made me angry and irritable for the rest of the day. I was so stressed! The worst thing about cars, though, is the number of accidents. Did you know that somebody dies in a road accident in Britain every two and a half hours? Another thing I hate is the way that road building is destroying the countryside. Finally, I would love to live without that constant traffic noise coming through the window. In fact, I think it’s the noise that bothers me most.

1、What does Johnny think of cars? ()

A、They cause pollution and accidents

B、They are slow and smelly

C、They are comfortable

2、Which is not the reason why Johnny supports cars?()

A、The public transport system in most countries is not good enough

B、Road building is destroying the countryside

C、Roads are much safer and more efficient now

3、Did Amanda use to have a car?()

A、Yes, she did

B、No, she didn’t

C、It doesn’t mention

4、What bothers Amanda most?()

A、What bothers Amanda most

B、The destroying of the countryside

C、The constant traffic noise

5、How serious is the road accident in Britain?()

A、Someone dies every 2 hours

B、Someone dies every 2.5 hours

C、Someone dies every 0.5 hours

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