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When I get some money, I’m going to buy ________.

A.some new furnitures

B.some new furniture

C.a new furniture


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更多“ When I get some money, I’m go…”相关的问题
-- Maybe I could help you print out the report and photocopy it.—().
-- Maybe I could help you print out the report and photocopy it.—().

A.Yes, she will finish the report tomorrow and get some photocopies

B.Please fetch my photos when you pass by the camera shop

C.Oh, I'd really appreciate it if you could, but I don't want you to ruin your evening

We don’t have beds in the space shuttle, but we do have sleeping bags. During the day, w
hen we are working, we leave the bags tied to the wall, out of the way. At bedtime we untie them and take them wherever we’ve chosen to sleep.

On most space shuttle flights everyone sleeps at the same time. No one has to stay awake to watch over the spaceplane; the shuttle’s computers and the engineers at Mission Control do that. If anything goes wrong, the computers ring an alarm and the engineers call us on the radio.

On the space shuttle, sleep-time doesn’t mean nighttime. During each ninety-minute orbit the sun “rises ” and shines through our windows for about fifty minutes; then it “ sets ” as our path takes us around the dark side of the earth. To keep the sun out of our eyes, we wear black sleep masks.

It is surprisingly easy to get comfortable and fall asleep in space. Every astronaut sleeps differently. Some sleep upside down, some right side up. When it’s time to sleep, I take my bag, my sleep mask, and my tape player with earphones and float up to the flight deck. Then I crawl into the bag, and float in a sitting position just above a seat, right next to a window. Before I pull the mask down over my eyes, I relax for a while, listening to music and watching the Earth go by beneath me.

36、When it’s bedtime, astronauts pull their sleeping bags ________ .

A.near the windows

B.in the flight deck

C.above the seats

D.in any place they like

37、“Watch over” in para. 2 has the closest meaning to ________ .

A.take care of


C.look at

D.pay attention to

38、How long does it take for the space shuttle to go round the Earth?

A.Twenty-four hours

B.Fifty minutes

C.Ninety minutes

D.Nineteen minutes

39、According the passage, in order to get comfortable and fall asleep in space, it is necessary to ________ .

A.wear a sleep mask

B.listen to music

C.sleep upside down

D.sleep sideways

40、The best title for this passage is ________ .

A.bedtime doesn’t mean nighttime

B.sleeping in space

C.orbiting the Sun

D.sleeping on the space shuttle

This story is about a young man. He worked very hard at his lessons. He was too busy
to have a rest. At last, he couldn't go to sleep. Every night, when he went to bed, he closed his eyes and tried to sleep. “I just can't go to sleep at night. What should I do?” “I have a suggestion,” said the doctor. “Try counting numbers. By the time you reach one thousand, you'll be asleep. I am sure of it.”

The next day the man reached the doctor's office. “Well,” said the doctor, “how are you today? Did you try my suggestion?”

The man still looked tired. “Yes,” he said, “I tried counting one, two, three...up to one thousand. But when I reached five hundred and sixty-nine, I began to feel sleepy. I had to get up and drink some tea so that I could go on counting up to one thousand, but then I still couldn't fall asleep.”

6.The young man couldn’t go to sleep because he had worked too hard and became ill.



7.The doctor asked the young man to count numbers while he was lying in bed.



8.The young man returned to the doctor’s office the next day because he wanted to thank the doctor.



9.The young man counted from 1 to 569 and got up to drink some tea.



10.The young man in fact was not able to count numbers.



When someone commits a criminal act, we always hope the punishment will match the offense.
But when it comes to one of the crudest crimes—animal fighting—things __26__ work out that way. Dog-fighting victims are __27__ and killed for profit and “sport,” yet their criminal abusers often receive a __28__ sentence for causing a lifetime of pain. Roughly half of all federally-convicted animal fighters only get probation (缓刑).

Some progress has been made in the prosecution(起诉)of animal fighters. But federal judges often rely heavily on the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines when they __29__ penalties, and in the case of animal fighting, those guidelines are outdated and extremely __30__ .

Some progress has been made in the prosecution(起诉)of animal fighters. But federal judges often rely heavily on the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines when they __29__ penalties, and in the case of animal fighting, those guidelines are outdated and extremely __30__ .

Along with this effort, we’re working with animal advocates and state and federal lawmakers to __33__ anti-cruelty laws across the country, as well as supporting laws and policies that assist overburdened animal __34__ that care for animal fighting victims. This help is__35__ important because the high cost of caring for animal victims is a major factor that prevents people from getting involved in cruelty cases in the first place.

A) convenient

B) creates

C) critically

D) determine

E) direction

F) hesitate

G) inadequate

H) inspired

I) method

J) minimal

K) rarely

L) shelters

M) strengthen

N) sufferings

O) tortured

1 One of the good things for men in women's liberation is that men no longer have to pay
women the old-fashioned courtesies.

2 In an article on the new manners, Ms. Holmes says that a perfectly able woman no longer has to act helplessly in public as if she were a model. For example, she doesn't need help getting in and out of cars. "Women get in and out of cars twenty times a day with babies and dogs. Surely they can get out by themselves at night just as easily."

3 She also says there is no reason why a man should walk on the outside of a woman on the sidewalk. "Historically, the man walked on the inside so he caught the garbage thrown out of a window. Today a man is supposed to walk on the outside. A man should walk where he wants to. So should a woman. If, out of love and respect, he actually wants to take the blows, he should walk on the inside — because that's where attackers are all hiding these days."

4 As far as manners are concerned, I suppose I have always been a supporter of women's liberation. Over the years, out of a sense of respect, I imagine, I have refused to trouble women with outdated courtesies.

5 It is usually easier to follow rules of social behaviour than to depend on one's own taste. But rules may be safely broken, of course, by those of us with the gift of natural grace. For example, a woman is expected to sit in the chair. That is according to Ms. Ann Clark. I have always done it the other way, according to my wife.

6 It came up only the other night. I followed the hostess to the table, and when she pulled the chair out I sat on it, quite naturally, since it happened to be the chair I wanted to sit in.

7 "Well," my wife said, when the hostess had gone, "you did it again."

8 "Did what?" I asked, utterly confused.

9 "Took the chair."

10 Actually, since I'd walked through the restaurant ahead of my wife, it would have been awkward, I should think, not to have taken the chair. I had got there first, after all.

11 Also, it has always been my custom to get in a car first, and let the woman get in by herself. This is a courtesy I insist on as the stronger sex, out of love and respect. In times like these, there might be attackers hidden about. It would be unsuitable to put a woman in a car and then shut the door on her, leaving her at the mercy of some bad fellow who might be hiding in the back seat.

It can be concluded from the passage that______.

A.men should walk on the inside of a sidewalk.

B.women are becoming more capable than before.

C.in women's liberation men are also liberated.

D.it's safe to break rules of social behaviour.

Directions: Fill in the blanks with the wo...

Directions: Fill in the blanks with the words and expressions froma list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Each choiceshould be used only once. Maria is a failure as a n 1 . The Reverend Mother sends her off in answer t 2 a letter from a retired naval captain for a g 3 for his seven children. There is aloofness in Captain Von Trapp; however, it is just a disguise for the sadness caused by his wife’s death. Maria teaches the children to sing and brings vitality b 4 to the large house. The Captain loves singing and thanks Maria for what she has done for his family. He calls o 5 his engagement with the beautiful Baroness for he realizes that he has f 6 in love with Maria, and so has Maria. They get married and go on their h 7 . When they come back, the Nazis attempt to draft Captain Von Trapp i 8 the Naval Forces of The Third Reich. After their sensational p 9 at the music festival and with some help from the abbey, the Von Trapps escape o 10 the Alps into Switzerland.

When I was a kid, I never knew what my parents—or anyone else's—did for a living. As far a
s I could tell, all grownups had mysterious jobs that involved drinking lots of coffee and arguing about Richard Nixon. If they had job-related stress, they kept it private. Now American families are expected to be more intimate. While this has resulted in a lot more hugs, "I love you's," and attendance at kids' football games, unfortunately we parents also insist on sharing the frustrations of our work byes.

While we have complained about our jobs or fallen asleep in car-pool lines, our children have been noticing. They are worried about us. A new survey, "Ask the children," conducted by the Families and Work Institute of New York City, queried more than 1,000 kids between the ages of 8 and 18 about their parents' work lives. "If you were granted one wish to change the way your parents' work affected your life," the survey asked kids, "what would that wish be?" Most parents assumed that children would want more time with them, but only 10% did. Instead, the most common wish (among 34% ) was that parents would be less stressed and tired by work.

Allison Levin is the mother of three young children and a professional in the growing field of "work/ life quality". Levin counsels employees who are overwhelmed by their work and family obligations to carefully review their commitments-not only at the office but at home and in the community too—and start paring them down. "It's not about getting up earlier in the morning se you can get more done," she says. "It's about saying no and making choices."

We can start by leaving work, and thoughts of work, behind as soon as we start the trip home. Do something to get yourself in a good mood, like listening to music, rather than returning calls on the cell phone. When you get home, change out of your work clothes, let the answering machine take your calls, and stay away from e-mail. When your kids ask about your day, tell them about something good that happened. (In the survey, 69% of moms said they liked their work, but only 42% of kids thought their mothers really did. )

Parents can also de-stress by cutting back on their children's activities. If keeping up with your kid's schedule is killing you, insist that he choose between karate lessons and the theater troupe. Parents should also sneak away from work and family occasionally to have some fun. I keep a basketball in the trunk of my can. I might never be able to fix everything at work or at home, but at least I can work on my jump shot.

Which of the following sentences can be the best title of this passage?

A.Kids Say: Chill

B.Kids Stress Parents

C.Parents Complain about work

D.Parents Get in Good Mood

Long, long ago there was a very foolish thief. Do you know what he did one day? When h
e wanted to steal(偷) the bell on his neighbour's door, he walked up to the door, took hold of (抓住) the bell and pulled hard. The bell made a very loud noise. The thief was afraid and went home.Then he sat down to think, "I must do something about the noise," he said. He thought and thought. At last he had an idea. "Ah, I'll put some cotton in my ears. Then I won't be able to hear the noise." The next day he went to the door of his neighbour, and took hold of the bell. This time he pulled even harder. The bell rang loudly, but the thief did not hear anything. With another hard pull he got the bell out. Just then the neighbour came running out."Steal my bell? I'll teach you a lesson (教训), "the angry man shouted. And he hit the thief on the nose. The foolish thief did not know how the neighbour found out he was stealing the bell. "Why did he come out just then?" he wondered (感到疑惑).

1. The thief was trying to get his neighbor's doobell. ()

2.The thiet put some cotton in his ears so as not to hear anything()

3. The neighbor ran out probably because he knew his doorbell was being stolen. ()

4.The neighbor hit the thief to punish him for stealing. ()

5. The thief thought the neighbor couldn't hear the noise of the bell. ()

My husband and I were traveling in Africa. And we were staying in a government guest h
ouse which was sort of like a small hotel, but it wasn't a very fancy place. Anyway it was a very hot night that night. It was a very hot climate and it was really hot that night. We wanted to have the windows open, but the problem was we had everything we owned right there in the room. The windows didn't have any screens or anything. So anybody could just come right in and steal our things.But if we shut the windows, it would be impossible to sleep. It was way over a hundred degrees Fahrenheit or forty degrees centigrade.

So we decided to put a lot of pots and pans like that under the window. Then if a thief came in, the pots and pans would fall down and we would wake up. That's what we did. Anyway, we were asleep.

All of the sudden in the middle of the night, sure enough, I hear the pans crash.I sat up in bed. My heart was beating like anything. I could see that there was a man in a white robe standing up next to the bed. I tried to scream and I had laryngitis which means my voice wasn't working. And I was screaming in the local language for help. It was like "help help", but I couldn't scream.

So the man came over and he shoved me down on the bed. Then he says in English "be quiet." Then I realized it was my husband, huh… And when I was able to speak, I asked, "What are you doing"

He said, "well, I had a headache and I wanted to get up and get some aspirins."

1. Why did they want to sleep with the windows open Because ().

A. the windows didn’t have any screens

B. it was very hot there

C. they stayed on the first floor

D. there were no neighbors around

2. Why were they worried about leaving the windows open Because ().

A. they were worried about their kids

B. nobody opened the windows in the hotel

C. it was very windy in the late night

D. they were afraid of being stolen while they were asleep

3. How did they construct an alarm system ().

A. They called the police for help

B. They set the alarm clock in the bedroom

C. They put a lot of pans and pots under the window

D. They closed the window after a second thought

4. Who was the intruder who crashed into the pots and pans ().

A. It was the husband

B. It was a thief

C. It was their kids

D. It was the wife

5. What was the person doing in the darkness The person ().

A. was having a nightmare

B. wanted to take some medicine

C. was going to the toilet

D. wanted to have some water

When I was a small kid, I()swim in the river near our house.

A.be used to

B.used to

C.get used to

D.was used to

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