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Who should be ____ for this accident?





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更多“Who should be ____ for this ac…”相关的问题
Anyone, () is really late for a social activity, should apologize to those who have already been there.





People who are entitled to ()(vote)should be over eighteen.
People who are entitled to ()(vote)should be over eighteen.

Who should be responible_____the loss of the documents











F.HowG、How much

Paying Your WayThere were red faces at one of Britain's biggest banks recently. They
Paying Your Way

There were red faces at one of Britain's biggest banks recently. They had accepted a telephone order to buy £ 100,000 worth of shares from a fifteen-year-old schoolboy (they thought he was twenty-one. The shares fell in value and the schoolboy was unable to pay up. The bank lost £ 20,000 on the deal which it cannot get back because, for one thing, this young speculator does not have the money and, for another, being under eighteen, he is not legally liable for his debts. If the shares had risen in value by the same amount that they fell, he would have pocketed £ 20,000 profit. Not bad for a fifteen-year-old. It certainly is better than delivering the morning newspaper. In another recent case, a boy of fourteen found, in his grandmother's house, a suitcase full of foreign banknotes. The clean, crisp, banknotes looked very convincing but they were now not used in their country of origin or anywhere else. This young boy headed straight to the nearest bank with his pockets filled with notes. The cashiers did not realise that the country in question had reduced the value of its currency by 90%. They exchanged the notes at their face value at the current exchange rate. In three days, before he was found out, he took £ 200,000 from nine different banks. Amazingly, he had already spent more than half of this on taxi- rides, restaurant meals, concert tickets and presents for his many new girlfriends (at least he was generous!) before the police caught up with him. Because he is also under eighteen the banks have kissed goodbye to a lot of money, and several cashiers have lost their jobs.Should we admire these youngsters for being enterprising and showing initiative or condemn them for their dishonesty? Maybe they had managed for years with tiny amounts of pocket money that they got from tight-listed parents. Maybe they had done Saturday jobs for peanuts. It is hardly surprising, given the expensive things that young people want to buy, such as fashionable running shoes and computer games, if they sometimes think up more imaginative ways of making money than delivering newspapers and baby-sitting. These lads saw the chance to make a lot of money and took it.Another recent story which should give us food for thought is the case of the man who paid his six-year-old daughter £ 300 a week pocket money. He then charged her for the food she ate and for her share of the rent and household bills. After paying for all this, she was left with a few coins for her piggy bank.. "She will soon learn the value of money," he said. "There's no such thing as a free lunch. Everything has to be paid for and the sooner she learns that the better." At the other extreme there are fond parents who provide free bed and board for their grown-up children. While even the most hard-hearted parents might hesitate to throw their children out on the streets, we all know of people in their late twenties who still shamelessly live off their parents. Surely there comes a time when every- one has to leave the parental nest, look after themselves and pay their own way in life. But when is it?

1.One of Britain's biggest banks recently ____

A、received a telephone order to buy shares for a twenty-one year old

B、lost a lot of money because the shares they bought fell in value

C、bought quite a lot of shares for a customer and caused him to lose money

D、lost money as its young customer did not have the money to pay his debts

2.According to the passage, the young customer would have ____

A、earned £ 20,000, if the shares had gone up in value by the same amount they fell

B、paid his debts, if he had had the money to do so

C、continued to cheat banks, if he had not been found out

D、to go to prison, if he did not pay the money back

3.The writer's attitude to the example of the two boys who cheated the banks is ____





4.The reason why the man paid his daughter £300 a week pocket money and then required her to pay for her living expenses was that he wanted her to learn ____

A、to bear the hardships of life

B、how to live comfortably on her own pocket money

C、the value of money

D、how to save money

5.It can be concluded from the article that the writer believes that ____

A、parents should give more pocket money to their children

B、children should leave the parental nest as soon as possible

C、grown-up children should support themselves

D、children should learn to be economical

in some way the employment interview is like a persuasive speech, for the applicant seek
s to persuade the employer to employ him or her.a job applicant should find interview.fist, the applicant should know what kind of job he wants and how that job relates to his career objective.it is important that the applicant be able to state of the company.second, the applicant should seek as much information as possible concerning the company.the applicant should find out the location of the home and region plans for expansion, and company philosophy.

having gathered enough information concerning the company.the applicant is ready for the interview.the interviewer’s first impression comes from the interviewee’s appearance.for most interviews, appropriate dress for men is a conservative(保守的)dank-colored suit with a long-sleeve while or light blue shirt.for women a conservative.tale suit or dress appropriate. both men and women should have neat.,conservation length, of hair.

although gathered and dress are maters of taste, many person direction judge interview from their appearance directly, for example.one recent college graduate who felt himself qualified was interviewed for a public relations job.however, the personnel manager considered this young man unsuitable for this particular position for his long hair, sloppy(不整洁) dress.,and casual manner.

36.Before the interview, a job applicant should be clear about_

A.the relationship between his career objective and the job

B.when and where the interview will take place

C.who will also take part in the interview

D.the process of the interview

37.Which of the following is NOT mentioned as the information the applicant has to find out?

A.The company’s location.

B.The company’s financial status.

C.The company’s expansion plans.

D.The company’s history.

38.According to the passage, which of following statements is true?

A.Before the interview.the applicant may neglect the company’s philosophy

B.Before the interview, the applicant should be Clear about the name of the manager

C.In the interview, Ir s appropriate for the applicant to be dressed conservatively

D.In the interview' s not suitable for the applicant to try to persuade the employer to employ him

39.The most suitable dressing for men in a job interview is to wear.

A.a colorful shirt

B.a sloppy dress

C.a pair of casual shoes

D.a dark-colored suit

40.From the example in the passage, we may conclude that.

A.self-confidence is the key point

B.first impression is vital

C.personal taste is essential

D.work experience is very important

When John Milton writer of“Paradise Lost” entered Cambridge University in 1625 he was
already skilled in Latin after seven years of studying it as his second language at St.Paul’s School London.Like all English boys who prepared for college in grammar schools he had learned not only to read Latin but also to speak and write it smoothly and correctly.His pronunciation of Latin was English however and seemed to have sounded strange to his friends when he later visited Italy.

Schoolboys gained their skill in Latin in a bitter way.They kept in mind the rules to make learning by heart easier.They first made a word-for-word translation and then an idiomatic translation into English.As they increased their skill they translated their English back into Latin without referring to the book and then compared their translation with the original.The schoolmaster was always at hand to encourage them.All schoolmasters believed Latin should be beaten in .

After several years of study the boys began to write compositions in imitation of the Latin writers they read.And as they began to read Latin poems they began to write poems in Latin.Because Milton was already a poet at ten his poems were much better than those painfully put together by the other boys.During the seven years Milton spent at university he made regular use of his command of Latin.He wrote some excellent Latin poems which he published among his works in 1645.

1.What does the passage mainly tell about?[]

A.How John Milton wrote“Paradise Lost”

B.How John Milton studied Latin

C.How John Milton became famous

D.How John Milton became a poet

2.Which of the following is true of John Milton’s pronunciation of Latin?[]

A.It has a strong Italian accent

B.It has an uncommon accent

C.It was natural and easy to understand

D.It was bad and difficult to understand

3.It can be inferred from the passage that ________.

A.Milton’s training in Latin was similar to that of the other boys

B.Milton hadn’t learned any foreign language except Latin before going to college

C.Milton’s Italian friends helped him with Latin when talking

D.Milton's classmates learned Latin harder but worse than Milton

4.Which of the following is suggested in the passage?[]

A.The schoolmaster mainly helped those who were bad at Latin

B.The schoolmaster usually stood beside the schoolboys with a stick in his hand

C.The schoolboys could repeat Latin grammar rules from memory

D.Some of the schoolboys were quick at writing compositions in Latin

5.What is the meaning of the underlined part“Latin should be beaten in”that the writer wishes you to understand?[]

A.Schoolboys should be punished if they were lazy to learn Latin

B.Schoolboys should be encouraged if they had difficulty in learning Latin

C.Schoolboys were expected to master Latin in a short time

D.Schoolboys had to study Latin in a hard way

Television has opened windows in everybody’s life.Young men will never again go to war
as they did in 1914,Millions of people now have seen the effects of a battle.And the result has been a general dislike of war,and perhaps more interest in helping those who suffer from all the terrible things that have been shown on the screen.Television has also changed politics.The most distant areas can now follow state affairs,see and hear the politicians before an election.Better informed,people are more likely to vote,and so to make their opinion count.Unfortunately,television’s influence has been extremely harmful to the young.(76)Children do not have enough experience to realize that TV shows present an unreal world; that TV advertisements lie to sell products that are sometimes bad or useless.They believe that the violence they see is normal and acceptable.All educators agree that the “television generations” are more violent than their parents and grandparents.Also,the young are less patient.(77)Used to TV shows,where everything is quick and interesting,they do not have the patience to read an article without pictures; to read a book that requires thinking; to listen to a teacher who doesn’t do funny things like the people on children’s programs.And they expect all problems to be solved happily in ten,fifteen,or thirty minutes.That’s the time it takes on the screen.

1.In the past,many young people ______.

A.knew the effects of war

B.went in for politics

C.liked to save the wounded in wars

D.were willing to be soldiers

2.Now with TV people can _____.

A.discus politics at an information center

B.show more interest in politics

C.make their own decisions on political affairs

D.express their opinions freely

3.The author thinks that TV advertisements _____.

A.are not reliable on the whole

B.are useless to people

C.are a good guide to adults

D.are very harmful to the young

4.Which is NOT true according to the passage?_____

A.People have become used to crimes now

B.With a TV set some problems can be solved quickly

C.People now like to read books with picture

D.The adults are less violent than the young

5.From the passage,we can conclude that _____.

A.children should keep away from TV

B.TV programs should be improved

C.children’s books should have pictures

D.TV has a deep influence on the young

How Telemedicine Is Transforming HealthcareA) After years of big promises,telemedicine i

How Telemedicine Is Transforming Healthcare

A) After years of big promises,telemedicine is finally living up to its potential.Driven by faster internet connections,ubiquitous (无处不在的)smartphoncs and changing insurance standards,more healthproviders are turning to electronic communications to do their jobs—and it's dramatically changing thedelivery of healthcare.

B)Doctors are linking up with patients by phone,email and webcam(网络摄像头).They're also

consulting with each other electronically—sometimes to make split-second decisions on heart attack sand strokes.P atients,meanwhile,are using new devices to relay their blood pressure,heart rate and other vital signs to their doctors so they can manage chronic conditions at home. Tele medicine alsoallows for better care in places where medical expertise is hard to come by. Five to 10 times a day,Doctors Without Borders relays questions about tough cases from its physicians in Niger,South Sudanand elsewhere to its network of 280 experts around the world,and back again via the internet.

C) As a measure of how rapidly telemedicine is spreading,consider:More than 15 million Americans received some kind of medical care remotely last year,according to the American Telemedicine Association,a trade group,which expects those numbers to grow by 30% this year.

D)None of this is to say that telemedicine has found its way into all corners of medicine. A recent survey of 500 tech-savvy(精通技术的)consumers found that 39% hadn't heard of telemedicine,and of those who haven't used it,42% said they preferred in-person doctor visits. In a poll of 1,500 family physicians,only 15% had used it in their practices—but 90% said they would if it were appropriately reimbursed(补偿).

E) What's more,for all the rapid growth,significant questions and challenges remain.Rules defining and regulating telemedicine differ widely from state to state. Physicians groups are issuing different guidelines about what care they consider appropriate to deliver and in what form.

F)Some critics also question whether the quality of care is keeping up with the rapid expansion of telemedicinc. And there's the question of what services physicians should be paid for:Insurancecoverage varies from health plan to health plan,and a big federal plan covers only a narrow range ofservices. Telemedicine's future will depend on how—and whether—regulators,providers,payers and patients can address these challenges. Here's a closer look at some of these issues;

G)Do patients trade quality for convenience?The fastest-growing services in telemedicine connect consumers with clinicians they've never met for a phone,video or email visit—on-demand,24/7.Typically,these are for nonemergency issues such as colds,flu,ear-aches and skin rashes,and theycost around $45,compared with approximately $100 at a doctor's office,$160 at an urgent-care clinic or $750 and up at an emergency room.

H) Many health plans and employers have rushed to offer the services and promote them as a convenient way for plan members to get medical care without leaving home or work. Nearly three-quarters of large employers will offer virtual doctor visits as a benefit to employees this year,up from 48% last year. Web companies such as Teladoc and American Well are expected to host some 1.2 million such virtual doctor visits this year,up 20%from last year,according to the American Tele me dicineAssociation.

I) But critics worry that such services may be sacrificing quality for convenience. Consulting a random doctor patients will never meet,they say,further fragments the health-care system,and even minorissues such as upper respiratory(上呼吸道的) infections can 't be thoroughly evaluated by a doctor who can't listen to your heart or feel your swollen glands.In a recent study,researchers posing as patients with skin problems sought help from 16 telemedicine sites—with unsettling results. In 62 encounters,f ewer than one-third disclosed clinicians’credential or let patients choose;only 32% discussed potential side effects of prescribed medications.Several sites misdiagnosed serious conditions,largelybecause they failed to ask basic follow-up questions,the researchers said.“Telemedicine holdsenormous promisc,but these sites are just not ready for prime time,”says Jack Resneck,the study'slead author.

J)The American Telemedicine Association and other organizations have started accreditation(鉴定)programs to identify top-quality telemedicine sites. The American Medical Association this month approved new ethical guidelines for telemedicine,calling for participating doctors to recognize thelimitations of such services and ensure that they have sufficient information to make clinicalre commendations.

K) Who pays for the services? While employers and health plans have been eager to cover virtual urgent-care visits,insurers have been far less willing to pay for telemedicine when doctors use phone,email orvideo to consult with existing patients about continuing issues.“It's very hard to get paid unless youphysically see the patient,”says Peter Rasmussen,medical director of distance health at the ClevelandClinic. Some 32 states have passed“ parity”(等同的) laws requiring private insurers to reimbursedoctors for services delivered remotely if the same service would be covered in person,though notnecessarily at the same rate or frequency.Medicare lags further behind.The federal health plan forthe elderly covers a small number of telemedicine services—only for beneficiaries in rural areas andonly when the services are received in a hospital,doctor's office or clinic.

L) Bills to expand Medicare coverage of telemedicine have bipartisan (两党的)support in Congress. Opponents worry that such expansion would be costly for taxpayers,but advocates say it would save money in the long run.

M)Experts say more hospitals are likely to invest in telemedicine systems as they move away from fee-for-service payments and into managed-care-type contracts that give them a set fee to provide care for patients and allow them to keep any savings they achieve.

N) Is the state-by-state regulatory system outdated? Historically,regulation of medicine has been left to individual states. But some industry members contend that having 50 different sets of rules,licensing fees and even definitions of“medical practice”makes less sense in the era of telemedicine and is hampering its growth.Currently,doctors must have a valid license in the state where the patient islocated to provide medical care,which means virtual-visit companies can match users only with locallylicensed clinicians. It also causes administrative hassles(麻烦)for world-class medical centers thatattract patients from across the country.At the Mayo Clinic,doctors who treat out-of-state patientscan follow up with them via phone,email or web chats when they return home,but they can onlydiscuss the conditions they treated in person.“If the patient wants to talk about a new problem,thedoctor has to be licensed in that state to discuss it. If not,the patient should talk to his primary-carephysician about it,”says Steve Ommen,who runs Mayo's Connected Care program.

O) To date,17 states have joined a compact that will allow a doctor licensed in one member state to quickly obtain a license in another. While welcoming the move,some telemedicine advocates wouldprefer states to automatically honor one another's licenses,as they do with drivers' licenses.But statesaren't likely to surrender control of medical practice,and most are considering new regulations. Thisyear,more than 200 telemedicine-related bills have been introduced in 42 states,many regarding whatservices Medicaid will cover and whether payers should reimburse for remote patient monitoring.“Alot of states are still trying to define telemedicine,”says Lisa Robbin,chief advocacy officer for theFederation of State Medical Boards.

36. An overwhelming majority of family physicians are willing to use telemedicine if they are duly paid.

37. Many employers are eager to provide telemedicine service as a benefit to their employees because of its convenience.

38. Different states have markedly different regulations for telemedicine.

39. With telemedicine,patients in regions short of professional medical service are able to receive better medical care.

40. Unlike employers and health plans,insurers have been rather reluctant to pay for some telemedicine services.

41. Some supporters of telemedicine hope states will accept each other's medical practice licenses as valid.42. The fastest growing area for telemedicine services is for lesser health problems.

43. As telemedicine spreads quickly,some of its opponents doubt whether its service quality can be guaranteed.

44. The results obtained by researchers who pretended to be patients seeking help from telemedicine providers are disturbing.

45.Some people argue that the fact that different states have different regulations concerning medical services hinders the development of telemedicine.

Most personnel managers agree that job interviews are one of the least objective recru
itment methods.But the advantages of testing are not going to change the attraction of the interview to employers.The appeal of the interview has everything to do with the human factor.

Most people believe that they are a reasonable judge of character and trust their instinctive feelings.We might use some kind of test to aid the selection process, but we usually pick a candidate who interviews well, has good qualifications and an impressive work record.

But suppose the candidate lies or is less than completely honest.“This can be a serious problem for employers,” explains Alan Conrad, Chief Executive at Optimus Recruitment.“The most difficult liars to find are those who tell halftruths rather than complete lies.” Research shows that up to 75 percent of resumes are inaccurate on purpose.The most common practice is omission.

Interviewer should therefore concentrate on areas of uncertainty such as gaps between periods of employment and job descriptions that seem strange.“Focusing on these areas will force candidates to tell the truth or become increasingly dishonest.This is usually when people show their anxiety by their body language.Sweat on the upper lip, false smiles and nervous hand movements all indicate discomfort.”

Conrad does not suggest an aggressive policystyle. interview technique, but insists that close inspection of a resume is absolutely essential.Only by asking the right questions can you confirm the suitability of the candidate or put pressure on those who are being less than completely honest.

1.The best title of this passage can be ______.

A.Disadvantages of Job Interviews

B.Advantages of Job Interviews

C.How to Catch Out the Dishonest Candidate

D.How to Find a Job by Tricks

2.The liars hard to recognize are those who tell ______.

A.partial truths

B.mainly truths

C.complete truths

D.complete lies

3.How were the job applicants able to lie without being detected?

A.By using their body language

B.By telling some unbelievable lies

C.By leaving out some necessary information

D.By providing more information than needed

4.In order to pick up a qualified and an honest candidate, Conrad suggests that we ______.

A.correct the resumes intentionally

B.compare one’s resume with others

C.examine the resumes carefully

D.inspect the candidates aggressively

5.What is the author’s attitude towards job interviews?



C.Most objective

D.Too subjective

The inventor of spectacles probably lived in the town of Paris, Italy, around 1286, a
nd was almost certainly a craftsman working in glass. But nobody knows his name. We only know this much about him because Friar Giordane preached a sermon one Wednesday morning in February 1306 at a church in Florence. "It’s not yet 20 years since there was found the art of making eye-glasses which make for good vision," said the Friar."One of the best arts and most necessary that the world has. So short a time is it since there was invented a new art that never existed. I have seen the man who first invented and created it, and I have talked to him." We know what Friar Giordane said because admirers copied his sermons down as he gave them. The inventor of spectacles apparently kept the method of making them to himself. Perhaps he thought this was the best way of getting money from his invention. But the idea soon got around. As early as 1300, craftsmen in Venice,the centre of Europe’s glass industry, were making the new "disks for the eyes".Spectacles at first were only shaped for far-sighted people. Concave lenses, for short-sighted people, were not developed until the late 15th century. Spectacles allowed people to go on reading and studying long after bad eyesight would normally have forced them to give up.They were like a new pair of eyes. The inventor of such a valuable thing should be honored, everyone thought. But for centuries no one had any idea who the inventor really was. So all kinds of candidates were put forward: Dutch, English, German, Italians from rival cities. A fake memorial was erected last century in a church in Florence to honor a man as the true inventor of spectacles-but he never even existed.

The first spectalces were made for ()

A、any one who had an eye trouble

B、the far-sighted

C、the short-sighted

D、both the far-sighted and the short-sighted

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