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In our society, we must communicate with other people. A great deal of communicating is pe

rformed on a person-to person【C1】______ by the simple means of speech. If we travel in buses, stand in football match【C2】______ , we are likely to have conversation【C3】______ we give information or opinions, and sometimes have our views【C4】______ by other members of society. Face-to-face contact is【C5】______ the only form. of communication and during the last two hundred years the【C6】______ of mass communication has become one of the dominating factors of contemporary society. Two things, 【C7】______ others, have caused the enormous growth of the communication industry. Firstly, inventiveness has led to【C8】______ in printing, photography and so on. Secondly, speed has revolutionized the【C9】______ and reception of communications so that local news often takes【C10】______ back beat to national news.

No longer is the possession of information【C11】______ to a privileged minority. Forty years ago people used to【C12】______ to the cinema, but now far more people sit at home and turn on the TV to watch a programme that【C13】______ into millions of homes. Communication is no longer merely concerned【C14】______ the transmission of information. The modem communications industry influences the way people live in society and broadens, their【C15】______ by allowing access to information, education and entertainment. The printing, broadcasting and【C16】______ industries are all involved with informing, educating and entertaining.

【C17】______ a great deal of the material communicated by the mass media is very【C18】______ to the individual and to the society of which he is a part, the vast modem network of communications is【C19】______ to abuse. How ever, the mass media are with us for better, for worse, and there is no turning【C20】______ .






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更多“In our society, we must commun…”相关的问题
When the writer says we cannot return to the good old days he means that.()

A.our society is becoming much worse than before

B.in our modem society it is hard to lead a quiet life

C.the old days were much happier than the present time

D.it is impossible for us to deal with noise as wedid before

There is much discussion today about whether economic growth is desirable. At an earli
er period, our desire for material wealth may have been justified. Now, however, this desire for more than we need is causing serious problems. Even though we have good intentions, we may be producing too much, too fast.

Those who criticize economic growth argue that we must slow down. They believe that society is approaching certain limits on growth. These include the fixed supply of natural resources, the possible negative effects of industry on the natural environment, and the continuing increase in the world's population. As society reaches these limits, economic growth can no longer continue, and the quality of life will decrease.

People who want more economic growth, on the other hand, argue that even at the present growth rate there are still many poor people in the world. These proponents of economic growth believe that only more growth can create the capital needed to improve the quality of life in the world. Furthermore, they argue that only continued growth can provide the financial resources required to protect our natural surroundings from industrialization.

This debate over the desirability of continued economic growth is of vital importance to business and industry. If those who argue against economic growth are correct, the problems they mention cannot be ignored. To find a solution, economists and the business community must pay attention to these problems and continue discussing them with one another.

1.We may infer from the context that "proponents “ (Paragraph 3)most probably means .

[A] arguments in support of something

[B] disagreement

[C] people who argue for something

[D] people who argue against something

I’ m afraid we do not serve this dish in our restaurant.英译中

一I' m afraid we put less emphasis on the overall design of the whole project.-().
一I' m afraid we put less emphasis on the overall design of the whole project.-().

A.This is obviously too heavy.People won't be able to carry it

B.We'd better use light ones.They make the audience feel comfortable

C.Our main goal is to establish our brand name among our target audience

Sports and games make our bodies strong, prevent us from getting too fat, and keep us heal
thy. But these are not their only use. They give us valuable practice in making eyes, brain and muscles work together. In tennis, our eyes see the ball coming, judge its speed and direction and pass this information on to the brain~ The brain then has to decide what to do, and to send its orders to the muscles of the arms, legs, and so on, so that the ball is met and hit back where it ought to go. All this must happen with very great speed, and only those who have had a lot of practice at tennis can carry out this complicated chain of events successfully. For those who work with their brains most of the day, the practice of such skills is especially useful.

Sports and games are also very useful for character-training. In their lessons at school, boys and girls may learn about such virtues as unselfishness, courage, discipline and love of one's country; but what is learned in books cannot have the same deep effect on a child's character as what is learned by experience~ The ordinary day-school cannot give much practical training in living, because most of the pupils' time is spent in classrooms, studying lessons. So it is what the pupils do in their spare time that really prepares them to take their place in society as citizens when they grow up. (16) If each of them learns to work for his team and not for himself on the football field, he will later find it natural to work for the good of his country instead of only for his own benefit.

When we play tennis we have to______.

A.use, first, our eyes, then the brain and finally the muscles

B.make our eyes, brain and muscles work almost at the same time

C.use mainly the arms and legs to hit

D.use mainly the muscles so that the ball is met and hit back

听力原文:M: Can we make you an offer? We would like to run the campaign for four extra wee

W: Well, can we summarize the problem from our point of view? First of all, the campaign was late. It missed two important trade fairs. The ads also did not appear into key magazines. As a result, the campaign failed. Do you accept that summary of what happened?

M: Well, the delay wasn't entirely our fault. You did in fact make late changes to the specifications of the advertisements.

W: Hmm, actually, you were late with the initial proposals, so you had very little time. And in fact, we only asked for small changes.

M: Well, whatever. Can we repeat our offer to run the campaign for four extra weeks?

W: That's not really the point. The campaign missed two key trade fairs. Because of this, we're asking you either to repeat the campaign next year for free, or we only pay 50% of the fee for this year.

M; Could we suggest a 20% reduction to the fee together with the four-week sustention to the campaign?

W: We are not happy. We lost business.

M: I think we both made mistakes. The responsibility is on both sides.

W: Ok, let's suggest a new solution. How about a 40% cut in fee, or a free repeat campaign?

M: Well, let's take a break. We're not getting very far. Perhaps we should think about this.

Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

22. What do we learn about the man's company?

23. Why was the campaign delayed according to the man?

24. What did the woman propose as a solution to the problem?

25. What does the man suggest they do at the end of the conversation?


A.It publishes magazines.

B.It is engaged in product design.

C.It sponsors trade fairs.

D.It runs sales promotion campaigns.

听力原文:W: It's really a big problem to teach our children how to behave. When I'm angry,
I say things I don't mean.

M: If you want your kids to be polite, you have to be polite to them.

Q: What conclusion can we draw from the conversation?


A.Children learn by example.

B.Children must not tell lies.

C.Children don't like discipline.

D.Children must control their temper.

The sense of sound is one of our most important means of knowing what is going on around u
s. Sound has a waste product, too, in the form. of noise. Noise has been called unwanted sound. Noise is growing and it may get much worse before it gets any better.

Scientists, for several years, have been studying how noise affects people and animals. They are surprised by what they have learned. Peace and quiet are becoming harder to find. Noise pollution is a threat that should be looked at carefully.

There is a saying that it is so noisy that you can't hear yourself think. Doctors who study noise believe that we must sometimes hear ourselves think. If we don't, we may have headaches, other aches and pains, or even worse mental problems.

Noise adds more tension to a society that already faces enough stress.

But noise is not a new problem. In ancient Rome, people complained so much about noise that the government stopped chariots(战车) from moving through the streets at night!

Ways of making less noise are now being tested. There are even laws controlling noise. We cannot return to the "good old days" of peace and quiet. But we can reduce noise—if we shout loudly enough about it.

Why are scientists surprised by the findings in their noise study?

A.Because the world is becoming increasingly noisy.

B.Because they have learned that noise is also is also a kind of pollution.

C.Because noise is an unwanted waste for human beings.

D.Because people knew little about noise before.



The number of elderly people aged above 60 increased.Demand for elderly care services in China will continue to rise due to the increasing aging population.The number of elderly people aged above 60 was over 200 million in 2012, and will be 300 million in 2025 and 400 million in 2034, according to experts.

It will be a tough challenge for China to deal with, due to the increasing rates of urbanization and a DECREASING birth rate.The Chinese people will be facing a big challenge if we do not have enough money when we get older.

The United Nations defines an aging society as one that has 10 percent of its population at or above the age of 60.

When most developed countries were classed as an aging society, their gross domestic product (GDP) per capita stood at between 5,000 to 10,000 U.S.dollars or above.However, China became an aging society in 2001, and its GDP per capita was only 1,000 U.S.dollars.It was 6,000 U.S.dollars in 2012.China’s economic foundation for an elderly society is fragile.

On Sept.13.2013, the State Council issued a guideline to speed up the development of China’s elderly care services, hoping to complete a social care network for its elderly by 2025.

1.What does the word “decreasing” in Paragraph 2 mean?()

A.It means “falling”

B.It means “rising”

C.It means “peaking”

2.What does GDP stands for?()

A.Government Document Publishing Service

B.Gross domestic product

C.General domestic product

3.What was China’s GDP per capita in 2012? ()

A.It was 1,000 U.S.dollars

B.It was 6,000 U.S.dollars

C.It was 10,000 U.S.dollars

4.Why is China’s economic foundation for an elderly society fragile?()

A.Because of its increasing aging population and its low GDP per capita

B.Because when China was classed as an aging society, our gross domestic product (GDP) per capita is high

C.Because of its decreasing aging population and its high GDP per capita

5.The passage implies that().

A.Chinese government can do nothing to deal with the challenge of the increasing aging population

B.Chinese people don’t need enough money when they get older

C.The Chinese social care network is expected to be completed in the near future"

A single status may have multiple roles attached to it, constituting a role set. Consider
the status of a patient in a hospital. The status involves the sick role; another role as the peer of other patients; still another role as the "appreciative" receiver of the gifts and attention of friends and family members; one role as a consumer of newspapers, magazines and other small items purchased from a hospital attendant; and a role as acquaintance of a number of friendly hospital personnel. Or consider your status as a family member. Your status includes a variety of roles, for example, parent and child, uncle, spouse, and cousin. Clearly, a role does not exist in a social vacuum; it is a bundle of activities that are connected with the activities of other people. For this reason there can be no professors without students, no husbands without wives, no whites without nonwhites, and no lawyers without clients.

Roles affect us as sets of norms that define our duties the actions others can legitimately insist that we perform, and our fight the actions we can legitimately insist that others perform. Every role has at least one reciprocal role attached to it; the fights of one role are the duties of the other role. As we have noted, we have a social niche for the sick. Sick people have fights our society says they do not have to function in usual ways until they get well. But sick people also have the duty to get well and "not enjoy themselves too much." The sick role also entails an appeal to another party the physician. The physician must perceive the patient as trying to get well this is the physician’s right and the patient’s duty. And the patient must see the doctor as sincere the patient’s fight and the physician’s duty. It should come as no surprise that the quality of medical care falters when patient and physician role expectations break down.

One way that people are linked in groups is through networks of reciprocal roles. Role relationships tie us to one another because the rights of one end of the relationship are the duties of the other. People experience these stable relationships as social structure a hospital, a college, a family, a gang, an army, and so on.

If your are a patient, you take on all the following roles EXCEPT the role as______.

A.a friend of your fellow patients

B.a staff member of the hospital

C.the receiver of the treatment

D.a buyer of medicines

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