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A single status may have multiple roles attached to it, constituting a role set. Consider

the status of a patient in a hospital. The status involves the sick role; another role as the peer of other patients; still another role as the "appreciative" receiver of the gifts and attention of friends and family members; one role as a consumer of newspapers, magazines and other small items purchased from a hospital attendant; and a role as acquaintance of a number of friendly hospital personnel. Or consider your status as a family member. Your status includes a variety of roles, for example, parent and child, uncle, spouse, and cousin. Clearly, a role does not exist in a social vacuum; it is a bundle of activities that are connected with the activities of other people. For this reason there can be no professors without students, no husbands without wives, no whites without nonwhites, and no lawyers without clients.

Roles affect us as sets of norms that define our duties the actions others can legitimately insist that we perform, and our fight the actions we can legitimately insist that others perform. Every role has at least one reciprocal role attached to it; the fights of one role are the duties of the other role. As we have noted, we have a social niche for the sick. Sick people have fights our society says they do not have to function in usual ways until they get well. But sick people also have the duty to get well and "not enjoy themselves too much." The sick role also entails an appeal to another party the physician. The physician must perceive the patient as trying to get well this is the physician’s right and the patient’s duty. And the patient must see the doctor as sincere the patient’s fight and the physician’s duty. It should come as no surprise that the quality of medical care falters when patient and physician role expectations break down.

One way that people are linked in groups is through networks of reciprocal roles. Role relationships tie us to one another because the rights of one end of the relationship are the duties of the other. People experience these stable relationships as social structure a hospital, a college, a family, a gang, an army, and so on.

If your are a patient, you take on all the following roles EXCEPT the role as______.

A.a friend of your fellow patients

B.a staff member of the hospital

C.the receiver of the treatment

D.a buyer of medicines

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更多“A single status may have multi…”相关的问题
When you want to learn about an Americans marital status, you can ask How come youre s
till single?()

The English translation may have been ________ into a single more readable book.





Everyone can do volunteer work.In fact, volunteers don' t get paid, but the reward
s from their deeds are priceless and highly appreciated.One single volunteer is like a candle in the night for those who are in darkness.Certainly, as an individual we can' t do everything 0n our own but we should try to do whatever we can.Imagine the power of thousands of“candles”, and the great difference it will make in people S lives.As for those who bring light into the lives of others, surely someday they toomay be in need of that same light theyoffered.Be a volunteer and feel the light.

41.Volunteers don' tget pald, but the rewards from thel deeds are__ and highly appreciated.





42.One single volunteer is like a candle inthe nlght tor those who are In().





43.We should try to do_ we can.





44.Imagine the power of thousands of " candlies",and the great (will make in people' s Iives.





45.As for thoge whio.Jight into tho Iives of ohors, surely someday Uney too may be ineed of that same lght hey offered.





Weddings ceremonies in the United States vary as much as the people do. But many weddi
ngs, no matter where or how they are performed, include certain traditional customs. For instance, the bride and groom often exchange rings at the ceremony. The rings are usually worn on the fourth finger of the left hand, and are exchanged in the middle of the ceremony. Today, the ring shows the couple’s love for one another.

After the ceremony, the couple is often showered with handfuls of uncooked rice by friends and family. Rice, as we know, shows productivity and harvest. And then, there is often a party, where the food is so plentiful that it almost takes the attention away from the people. Soon the bride stands in the center of the room, often on a chair, and throws her flowers to the unmarried women at the party. Tradition says that whoever catches the flowers will be the next bride. Some women eagerly try to catch the flower; others shy away.

And then it is time for the bride and groom to set off the tradition of a honeymoon, a trip after the wedding. The trip nowadays varies greatly by wealth, time and preference. Sometimes the couple will spend a single night at a nearby hotel; or they may spend two weeks at a faraway foreign city as well.

1、According to the passage, _____________.

A.American wedding ceremonies are somewhat traditional

B.American wedding ceremonies provide a lot of flowers

C.American wedding ceremonies are preferable

D.American wedding ceremonies are magnificent

2、According to the passage, what does the sentence “no matter where or how they are performed” (Para. 1) really mean?

A.The wedding ceremonies may be held in different ways and places

B.The wedding ceremonies may be held at any time

C.The wedding ceremonies may be held everywhere

D.The wedding ceremonies may be held in any way

3、The word “showered” (in Para. 2) probably means _______.





4、From the passage, we can safely conclude that ______.

A.American couples hold fashionable wedding ceremonies

B.American couples hold traditional wedding ceremonies

C.American couples go on expensive honeymoon trips

D.American couples exchange rings after the honeymoon

5、Which of the following is the best title for this passage?

A.Weddings in North America

B.Weddings in America

C.Wedding Ceremonies

D.Wedding Traditions

It might be supposed that greater efficiency should be achieved ff several people collabor
ate to solve a problem than if only one individual works on it. The assumption is by no means invariably role.

Although groups often may increase the motivation of their members to deal with problems, there is a counterbalancing need to contend with conflicts arising among members of a group-and to give it coherent directions. Problem solving is facilitated by the presence of an effective leader who not only provides direction but permits the orderly, constructive expression of a variety of opinions; much of the leader's effort may be devoted to resolving differences. Success in problem solving also depends on the distribution of ability within a group. Solutions simply may reflect the presence of an outstanding individual who might perform. even better by himself.

Although groups may reach a greater number of correct solutions, or may require less time to discover an answer, their net man-hour efficiency is typically lower than that achieved by skilled individuals working alone.

A process called brainstorming has been offered as a method of facilitating the production of new solutions to problems. In brainstorming, a problem is presented to a group of people who then proceed to offer whatever they can think of, regardless of quality and with as few inhibitions as possible. Theoretically these unrestricted suggestions increase the probability that at least some superior solutions will emerge. Nevertheless, studies show that when individuals work alone under similar conditions, performance tends to proceed more efficiently than it does in groups.

Under special circumstances, however, a group may solve problems more effectively than does a reason ably competent individual. Group members may contribute different (and essential) resources to a solution that no individual can readily achieve alone; such pooling of information and skills can make group achievements superior in dealing with selected problems. Sometimes social demands may require group agreement on a single alternative, as in formulating national economic or military policies under democratic governments. When only one among several alternative solutions is correct, even if a group requires more time, it has a higher probability of identifying the right one than does an individual alone.

In this passage, the author argues that thinking in groups ______.

A.is the best way to solve any problem

B.is by no means useful in problem-solving

C.may result in effective problem-solving under certain circumstances

D.will inevitably produce greater efficiency in problem solving than individual thinking

When the transmitter wishes to send data, it first places the line in a sp

ace level (i.e. the complement of a mark) for one element period. This element is called the start bit and has a duration of T seconds. The transmitter then sends the character, l bit at a time, by placing each successive bit on the line for a duration of T seconds, until all bits have been transmitted. Then a single parity bit is calculated by the transmitter and sent after the data bits. Finally, the transmitter sends a stop bit at a mark level (i.e. the same level as the idle state) for one or two bit periods. Now the transmitter may send another character whenever it wishes.

At the receiving end of an asynchronous serial data link, the receiver continually monitors the line looking for a start bit. Once the start bit has been detected, the receiver waits until the end of the start bit and then samples the next N bits at their centers, using a clock generated locally by the receiver. As each incoming bit is sampled, it is used to construct a new character. When the received character has been assembled, its parity is calculated and compared with the received parity bit following the character. If they are not equal, a parity error flag is set to indicate a transmission error.

(1).When the transmitter wishes to send data, it first ().

A.places the line in a space level

B.puts the line in a mark level

C.sends a stop bit

D.places a bit at logical l level

(2).Then a single parity bit is calculated by the transmitter and ().

A.compared with the received parity bit

B.sent with the data bits

C.sent after the data bits

D.sent before the data bits

(3).At the receiving end of an asynchronous serial data link, the receiver continually monitors the line().

A.waiting for the end of the start bit

B.looking for a start bit

C.generating a clock

D.constructing a new character

(4).When the transmitter wishes to send data , it first sends().

A.a character at the same time

B.a character to the line

C.the start bit

D.a mark level to the line

(5).The transmitter then send the character, for a duration of T seconds().

A.each bit

B.all bits

C.successive bits

D.a start bit and a character

Cultural differences in business entertaining include issues(问题) such as who one ent
ertains and where and how one entertains.In countries in which status(身份,地位) is important, it is not advisable(合适的) to invite people of different statuses to the same dinner party.Americans will often invite people to their homes.Whereas(然而) in some societies the home is considered too private, unworthy or small to serve as an appropriate place for business entertaining.In some countries there is a “help yourself” approach(方法) to entertaining done in the home.This approach does not work well when entertaining people whose culture teaches them to wait to be asked three times before accepting an offer of food.In one instance(例子), a Chinese guest went an entire evening without eating though he was quite hungry because he was too embarrassed (尴尬的,不安的)to take food after only being asked to do so once.

Gift giving has its own set of protocols(礼仪).As a general rule, a small gift from your home country is appreciated.A gift that is tied to the particular interest of the individual is especially appreciated.Gifts for children are also well received.Be careful that the “hometown” gift you are bringing to Singapore was not made in Hong Kong.Because many gifts carry symbolic(象征性的) meanings, it is always best to seek advice before selecting gifts.The giving of large gifts, or payments for special services, should only be undertaken after consulting(咨询) the legal department in the home and host culture.

6.Which of the following may best summarize the main idea of the passage? ()

A.The cultural differences in business entertaining

B.Importance of gift giving in business

C.How to entertain guest

D.How to entertain guests and give gifts in business

7.What aspects should we pay attention to when we entertain our guests? ()

A.The guests’ status

B.The place

C.How to entertain

D.All of the above

8.What is the topic sentence of the second paragraph? ()

A.Gift giving has its own set of protocols

B.A gift that is tied to the particular interest of the individual is especially appreciated

C.As a general rule, a small gift from your home country is appreciated

D.It is always best to seek advice before selecting gifts

9.How many times does the host usually ask the guests to accept the offer? ()





10.What is the best way to do when we select gifts? ()

A.Ask the price

B.Notice the hometown of the gift

C.Seek the advice

D.Make sure of the quality

It is a wise father that knows his own child, but today a man can boost his paternal (fath

It is a wise father that knows his own child, but today a man can boost his paternal (fatherly) wisdom— or at least confirm that he's the kid's dad. All he needs to do is shell out $30 for paternity testing kit (PTK) at his local drugstore—and another $120 to get the results.

More than 60,000 people have purchased the PTKs since they first became available without prescriptions last year, according to Doug Fogg, chief operating officer of Identigene, which makes the over-the-counter kits. More than two dozen companies sell DNA tests directly to the public, ranging in price from a few hundred dollars to more than $ 2,500.

Among the most popular: paternity and kinship testing, which adopted children can use to find their biological relatives and families can use to track down kids put up for adoption. DNA testing is also the latest rage among passionate genealogists—and supports businesses that offer to search for a family's geographic roots.

Most tests require collecting cells by swabbing saliva in the mouth and sending it to the company for testing. All tests require a potential candidate with whom to compare DNA.

But some observers are skeptical. "There is a kind of false precision being hawked by people claiming they are doing ancestry testing," says Troy Duster, a New York University sociologist. He notes that each individual has many ancestors—numbering in the hundreds just a few centuries back. Yet most ancestry testing only considers a single lineage, either the Y chromosome inherited through men in a father's line or mitochondrial DNA, which is passed down only from mothers. This DNA can reveal genetic information about only one or two ancestors, even though, for example, just three generations back people also have six other great-grandparents or, four generations back, 14 other great-great-grandparents.

Critics also argue that commercial genetic testing is only as good as the reference collections to which a sample is compared. Databases used by some companies don't rely on data collected systematically but rather lump together information from different research projects. This means that a DNA database may have a lot of data from some regions and not others, so a person's test results may differ depending on the company that processes the results. In addition, the computer programs a company uses to estimate relationships may be patented and not subject to peer review or outside evaluation.

In Paragraphs 1 and 2, the text shows PTK's ______.

A.easy availability

B.flexibility in pricing

C.successful promotion

D.popularity with households

For the ZTE PTN equipment, the command to query the fan status and the power status is


A.Peg and Status Counters

B.Peg Counters

C.Status counters

Project managers are change agents: they make project goals their own and use their skil
ls and expertise to inspire a sense of shared purpose within the project team. They enjoy new challenges and the responsibility of driving business results. They work well under pressure and are comfortable with change and complexity in dynamic environments. They can shift readily between the "big picture" and the small-but-crucial details, knowing when to concentrate on each. Project managers cultivate the people skills needed to develop trust and communication among all of a project' s stakeholders: its sponsors, those who will make use of the project' s results, those who command the resources needed, and the project team members.

They have a broad and flexible toolkit of techniques, resolving complex,interdependent activities into tasks and sub-tasks that are documented, monitored and controlled. They adapt their approach to the context and constraints of each project, knowing that no "one size" can fit all the variety of projects. And they are always improving their own and their teams' skills through lessons-learned reviews at project

completion. Project managers are found in every kind of organization -- as employees, managers, contractors and independent consultants. With experience, they may become program managers (responsible for multiple related projects) or portfolio managers (responsiblefor selection, prioritization and alignment of projects and programs with an organization' s strategy) . And they are in increasing demand worldwide. For decades, as the pace of economic and technological change has quickened, organizations have been directing more and more

of their energy into projects rather than routine operations.

(1) .Which of the following is NOT enjoyed by projectmanagers?



C、Status quo

(2) .Which of the following is NOT concerned by project managers?

A、Theoverall situation

B、The non-crucial details

C、The crucial details

(3) .Which of the following is a TRUE statement about projectmanagers?

A、They do not need to keep contact with all of a project’ sstakeholders

B、They use one model to solve problems in various projects

C、Theyimprove their skills after completion of each project

(4) .Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a career possibility for experienced project manager?

A、Becoming general manager of anorganization

B、Running several projects at the same time

C、Allocating projects to other project managers

(5) .Which of the following can be an alternative title for thepassage?

A、Requirements of project managers

B、Future development of projectmanagers

C、Career development of project managers

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