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Many people would agree that stress is a major problem in modern life. It is certainly true that worry and quarrel can cause a

ll kinds of illnesses,(1)backache to severe headaches, or even more serious complaints such as high blood pressure.

Many of us think(2)stress as something that other people impose on us. We often complain about how other people put us(3)pressure. But we should try not to let such pressure affect us. We should not forget that we are largely responsible for some of the stress ourselves. We sometimes take(4)more work than our bodies and our minds can handle. We should learn to(5)our limitations. We should be aware of which things are really important and which are not.

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College brings together people from all walks of life. There are so many different typ
es of people in the world but if you go to a college campus, you are sure to find at least one of every kind. The great part about being here with so many different people is that you get to interact with some interesting characters and see how to deal with them. You will meet the people you dread the most, the smart-ass, the brain, or the unique spirit, but no matter who it is that is your worst nightmare to be around you will always be paired up with them in a group project. When you get into the real world you are not going to be able to pick your boss or coworkers. Interacting with these people in college and living with different roommates will help you learn how to cooperate with the people in life you find so unpleasant. College life is fun. The fact that I have been here for a short time just means it has not yet been a life changing experience to me. If I were to give any tips on how to survive, it would not be how to survive college, but how to survive life. I would have to say that one should be outgoing and live life to the fullest. Meet new people whenever you can because they just may be a major influence in your life. Also, get your work done before you go out and party. Lastly, I would have to say, in life if you ever feel lost or alone, talk to someone about it. Everyone gets depressed at times in their life and there is always someone who will listen to your problems.

1)What does the author say to do if you''re depressed?

A、Go somewhere by yourself.

B、Talk to someone about it.

C、Try to forget about it.

D、See a psychologist immediately


2)What does the author say about group projects?

A、They are always unpleasant

B、They are always difficult.

C、Partners may not cooperate

D、Partners may be lazy.


3) Why does the author recommend meeting many new people?

A、They may become your best friends.

B、They may influence your life.

C、They may help you someday.

D、They make your life more fun.


4)What is the theme of the passage?

A、Relationships in college.

B、Homework in college.

C、Freedom in college.

D、Partying in college.


5)How would you describe the author''s personality?

A、Shy and under confident

B、Strong but quiet.

C、Extremely pessimistic

D、Optimistic and outgoing.

题干:Many people would agree that stress is a major problem in modern life. It is cer
tainly truethat worry and quarrel can cause all kinds of illnesses, ______ backache to severe headaches, oreven more serious complaints such as high blood pressure.Many of us think ______ stress as something that other people impose on us. We oftencomplain about how other people put us ______ pressure. But we should try not to let suchpressure affect us. We should not forget that we are largely responsible for some of the stressourselves. We sometimes take ______ more work than our bodies and our minds can handle. Weshould learn to ______ our limitations. We should be aware of which things are really importantand which are not.(根据文章,将下面五个选项按照正确的顺序填在原文中)A:ofB:underC:acceptD:fromE:on





Although I had stayed in England for over a year, it was difficult for me to understand
the British mind. Traveling to then office every day by train, I watched people hiding their faces behind newspapers. They rarely talked to each other, occasionally lifting their eyebrows to look at their fellow passengers. But when I started a conversation by using the excuse of the weather, I found many had a natural gift for gossip. They would go on telling me all about themselves and their families. Sometimes I was even given their telephone numbers and asked to look them up. At first I took their invitations as they appeared. But when I rang and hear the surprised tone “Who?” I felt embarrassed and pretended I had got the wrong number.

I had to learn to say “please”, “sorry”, “thank you”, whether I felt it or not. Once, while buying a ticket to Waterloo, I forgot to say “please”. The man at the counter was offended and would not give me the ticket until I had said “please”. When he handed me the ticket, he said “sorry”, and hurried inside to take the only empty seat.

On the way to the office one morning, a man collapsed in my compartment. At Waterloo, everybody left, but I stayed with him until the ambulance arrived and was an hour late getting to the office. I was told that it was not my job to look after strangers.

I found that many did not even look after their own parents who were old and helpless. In India, it is the duty of the children to look after their parent and old relatives. While serving a meal, my mother always gave food to the elderly relatives and children first and ate whatever was left over. The elderly never felt isolated. They lived with their families and contributed to the happiness of the house.

31. How long had the writer stayed in England?

A. Just a year

B. More than a year

C. Almost two years

D. About ten months

32. What does the word “rarely” mean in the first paragraph?

A. seldom

B. always

C. often

D. independent while the wife is dependent

33. What did the writer mean when he said “many had a natural gift for gossip”?

A. Many British people were born speakers

B. Many British people were talkative.

C. Many British people were hot-tempered.

D. Many British people were talented

34. What did the writer mean to say by giving us the examples in the second paragraph?

A. English people are very polite because they always say “thank you” or “sorry”.

B. English people enjoy teaching others lessons of politeness.

C. He had to learn to say “please”, “sorry”, “thank you”.

D. English people say polite words without sincere politeness.

35. What does the last paragraph suggest?

A. Many old people in England were lonely because they were not taken good care of.

B. Old people in India never felt isolated.

C. The writer’s mother always ate whatever was left over.

D. Old people in most countries are respected.

Peter: Molly, look at this. The newspaper says we should sort trash.Molly: That would be

Peter: Molly, look at this. The newspaper says we should sort trash.

Molly: That would be great! I always hate it when people mixing all the trash together.

Peter: () Many communities have already done that.

Molly: Yeah. The benefits of sorting out trash are obvious.

Peter: For instance?

Molly: If trash is sorted, it can be transferred to factories instead of the disposal plant.

Peter: That makes sense. ()Molly: With trash separated, pollution caused by incineration can be avoided.

Peter: It is high time for us to sort out the trash. Trash is trash only when everything is mixed together. () they can be useful again.

Molly: () Things like paper, glass, and plastics can all be recycled. They can be reused.

Peter: Sorting is good. () If people have no idea how to sort their trash, they will still put all waste in the same bag.

Molly: You are right. People should be informed about how to do that in the first place. Moreover, sorting trash should be made easy for us. Otherwise, few people would bother to do it.

Peter: I hope everything goes smoothly!

Molly: I believe it will.

A. I couldn't agree more.

B. What else?

C. Once we separate and recycle them.

D. But I have a concern.

E. That is really a great advice.

About 70 million Americans are trying to lose weight. That is almost 1 out of every 3 peop
le in the United States. Some people go in diet. This means they eat less of certain foods, especially fats and sugars. Other people exercise with special equipment, take diet pills, or even have surgery. Losing weight is hard work, and it can also cost a lot of money. So why do so many people in the United States want to lose weight?

Many people in the United States worry about not looking young and attractive. For many people, looking good also means being thin. Other people worry about their health. Many doctors say being overweight is not healthy. But are Americans really fat?

Almost 30 million Americans weigh at least 20 percent more than their ideal weight. In fact, the United States is the most overweight country in the world. "The stored fat of adult Americans weighs 2. 3 trillion (兆) pounds, " says University of Massachusetts anthropologist (人类学家) George Armelagos. He says burning off that stored energy would produce enough power for 900, 000 cars to go 12, 000 miles.

Losing weight is hard work, but most people want to find a fast and easy way to take off fat. Bookstores sell lots of diet books. These books tell readers how to lose weight. Each year, dozens of new books like these are written. Each one promises to get rid of fat.

Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a way of losing weight?

A.To eat less fats and sugars.

B.To have surgery.

C.To take much exercise.

D.To work hard.

Social customs and ways of behaving are changing. (1) was considered implite many years ag
o is now acceptable. Just a few years ago, it was thought to be impolite behavior. for a man to smoke in the street. No man who thought of himself as being a gentleman (2) a fool of himself by smoking when a woman was in the room.

Customs (3) from country to country, but the important thing (4) is not to do anything that might make other people feel (5), especially if they are your guests. You are expected to find a way to keep them from feeling foolish.

(1)A. uncomfortable

B. would make

C. to remember

D. what

E. vary

(2)A. uncomfortable

B. would make

C. to remember

D. what

E. vary

(3)A. uncomfortable

B. would make

C. to remember

D. what

E. vary

(4)A. uncomfortable

B. would make

C. to remember

D. what

E. vary

(5)A. uncomfortable

B. would make

C. to remember

D. what

E. vary

The ideal companion machine — the computer — would not only look, feel, and sound friendly
but would also be programmed to behave in a pleasant manner. Those qualities that make interaction with other people enjoyable would be imitated as closely as possible, and the machine would appear to be charming, and easygoing. Its informal conversational style. would make interaction comfortable, and yet the machine would remain slightly unpredictable and therefore interesting. In its first encounter it might be somewhat hesitant, but as it came to know the user it would progress to a more relaxed and intonate style. The machine would not be a passive participant but would add its own suggestions, information, and opinions; it would sometimes take the initiative in developing or changing the topic and would have a personality of its own.

Friendships are not made in a day, and the computer would be more acceptable as a friend if it imitated the gradual changes that occur when one person is getting to know another. At an appropriate time it might also express the kind of affection that stimulates attachment and intimacy. The whole process would be accomplished in a subtle way to avoid giving an impression of over-familiarity that would be likely to produce irritation. After experiencing a wealth of powerful, well-timed friendship indicators, the user would be very likely to accept the computer as far more than a machine and might well come to regard it as a friend.

An artificial relationship of this type would provide many of the benefits that people obtain from interpersonal friendships. The machine would participate in interesting conversation that could continue from previous discussions. It would have a familiarity with the user's life as revealed in earlier contact, and it would be understanding and good-humored. The computer's own personality would be lively and impressive, and it would develop in response to that of the user. With features such as these, the machine might indeed become a very attractive social partner.

Which of the following is NOT a feature of the ideal companion machine?

A.Active in communication.

B.Attractive in personality.

C.Enjoyable in performance.

D.Unpredictable in behaviour.

Those Who Ride on Two Wheels In the United States there are six million tennis players

and twelve million golfers.These figures would not surprise most people.But many would be surprised to learn that twenty million Americans ride motorcycles (摩托车).Few people realize that motorcycling is fast becoming one of America’s most popular sports.

According to the Cycle News,many kinds of people enjoy motorcycling.They include black people and white people, businessmen, professionals, and blue-collar workers.Among them, about 55% are businessmen, 3% are in the professions and 9% in government service.

Such information is offered by the Cycle News in the hope of improving the general public’s impression of the sport.The public has tended to believe that all motorcyclists are wild and lawless young men.

There are several things about motorcycling that the average citizen dislikes.A motorcyclist’s appearance has something to do with this dislike.Motorcyclists often look dirty; in fact, they are dirty.On the road, there is little to protect them from mud.For practical reasons, they often dress in old clothing which looks much less respectable than the clothing of people who ride in cars.For the same reason, motorcyclists usually wear dark colors.Perhaps this helps to explain why they are sometimes suspected of having bad natures.

Probably motorcycles themselves also produce anger and fear.They are noisy, though some trucks are even noisier.But trucks are acceptable because they perform. a needed service.Motorcycles, on the other hand, make an uncomfortable noise just to give their riders pleasure.Roaring along quiet streets, they wake sleeping families and make babies cry.

Yet, as motorcycling becomes more and more common, it will be interesting to see how people in general feel about the sport.Perhaps it will someday become as “respectable” as tennis or golf.

11、According to the text, more and more Americans like___.

A.playing tennis

B.playing golf



12、According to the Cycle News,over half of the motorcyclists are _____.

A.black people

B.white people



13、The Cycle News wants to_________.

A.make motorcyclists lawful citizens

B.improve the image of motorcycling

C.persuade people to buy motorcycles

D.raise the status ofblue-coUar workers

14、Motorcyclists usually wear dark colors because_________.

A.they want to be respectable

B.they want to be impressive

C.the colors look different

D.the colors suit their sport

15、Some people dislike the motorcycle because it is___________.





For years, decades in fact, I've puzzled over the response most people have when I
tell them I mostly travel alone.

"You're so brave!"

Why is it that a woman travelling alone, as I have often done for months at a time, is perceived to be "brave", whereas men who travel alone are entirely unremarkable?

You are only brave when you are afraid of something but still do it anyway.I have never been afraid of travelling alone.

The first time I travelled alone was when I was19.I was due to travel in Europe with a friend at the end of the summer.She announced by letter two days before our departure that she would be leaving me halfway at Vienna.It was too late by then to rope in another friend, so it was either to go home after Vienna, or keep going by myself.I kept going.I got on trains by myself, checked into hostels by myself and found my way around by myself.It was weird at first, but later I stopped worrying about it.

When I got back to Ireland after that trip, I felt proud of myself.I had done something I had assumed would be hard, and it had turned out to be not hard at all.

That was three decades ago, and since then I have travelled all over the world, usually on my own.I still do what I did then, which is to keep a diary.The greatest gift of solo travel has been those I've met along the way.I may have set off alone each time but I've encountered many people who became important to me.I met my husband in Kathmandu, Nepal.I met lifelong friends in Australia, Poland, Hungary, Turkey, India, Indonesia and many other places.

(1)What makes the author puzzled when she tells people of her experience?()

APeople's disbelief.

B.People's response.

C.People's approval.

D.People's criticism.

(2)What does the author say about her first time to travel alone?()

A.It was a trip by design.

B.She had to choose to go by herself.

C.It was harder than expected.

D.She set off all alone.

(3)What do the underlined words "solo travel" in the last paragraph mean?()

A.Group Travel.

B.Travelling with friends.

C.Travelling alone.

D.Travelling with music.

(4)How has the author benefited from her travel?()

A.She has overcome her fear of travelling alone.

B.She has written a couple of books.

C.She has received a great many gifts.

D.She has met many people all the way.

Do you realize that every time you take a step, the bones in your hip are subjected to for
ces between four and five times your body weight? When you are running, this force is increased further still. What happens if through disease a hip-joint ceases to be able to resist such forces? For many years hip-joints and other body joints have been replaceable either partially or completely. It is after all a simple ball and socket joint; it has certain loads imposed on it; it needs reliability over a defined life; it must contain materials suitable for the working environment. Any engineer will recognize these as characteristic of a typical engineering problem, which doctors and engineers have worked together to solve, in order to bring a fresh lease of life to people who would otherwise be disabled.

This typifies the way in which engineers work to help people and create a better quality of life. The fact that this country has the most efficient agricultural industry in the world is another good example. Mechanical engineers have worked with farmers and biologists to produce fertilizers, machinery and harvesting systems. This team effort has now produced crops uniformly waist high or less so that they are better suited to mechanical harvesting. Similar advances with other crops have released people from hard and boring jobs for more creative work, whilst machines harvest crops more efficiently with less waste. Providing more food for the rapidly increasing population is yet another role for the mechanical engineer.

According to the passage, when would most weight be imposed on hip-joints?

A.When one is walking.

B.When one is running.

C.When one is standing.

D.When one is lying down.

Australia is nearly as large as the United States, but most of it is too dry for peopl
e to live in.Around this dry part are large sheep and cow farms.A few of them are as large as the smallest states in America.Often the nearest neighbors are several hundred kilometers away.

The two-way radio is very important to people who live on these great Australian farms.It works much like a telephone.A person can listen to someone else talk and then give an answer.For example, people on the large farms could talk to a doctor far away.They could tell the doctor about someone who was ill, and the doctor could let them know how to look after the sick person.

As the large farms were so far from towns, the children could not go to school.Radio schools were started for them in some places.At a certain time each day, boys and girls turn on their radios and listen to teachers in cities far away.

Families on the large farms wanted to give news to their neighbors.The program "Round Robin" talks by radio was started to keep families in touch with each other.They could talk about who was going away and who was ill.The men could talk about their sheep and cows and how much money the markets would pay for them.In many ways the radio became a newspaper for the farm people of Australia.

1、From the first paragraph, we know there are some very large farms in Australia.()

2、"The two-way radio" in the 2nd paragraph is useful for children only.()

3、The "the sick person" in the second paragraph means the person who is ill.()

4、The children on the large farms far away could have lessons on the radios.()

5、All the Australians live on dry places, and they use radios in many ways.()

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