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()I opened my eyes, I heard a loud explosion outside.


B.Now that

C.Considering that


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更多“()I opened my eyes, I heard a …”相关的问题
When I opened the album, I carefully examined every photograph in ________ detail by w
earing my reading glasses so as not to miss anything.





Last night, before the exam, I went over the lessons()I couldn’t keep my eyes open to stay
awake any longer.





One day, the principle(校长)came into our room and, after talking to the teacher, for
One day, the principle(校长)came into our room and, after talking to the teacher, for

some reason said: “I wish all of the white students to stand for a moment.” I rose with the others.The teacher looked at me and, calling my name, said: “You sit down for the present, and rise with the others.” I did not quite understand her.She repeated: “You sit down now, and rise with the others.” I sat down puzzled.I saw and heard nothing.When the other were asked to rise, I did not know it.When school was dismissed, I went out unconsciously.A few of the white boys laughed at me, saying: “Oh, you’re a nigger, too.”

I hurried on as fast as I could to where my looking-glass hung on the wall in my own little room.For an instant I was afraid to look, but when I did, I looked long and earnestly.I was accustomed t o hearing remarks about my beauty, but now, for the first time, I became conscious of it and recognized it.I noticed the ivory(象牙)whiteness of my skin, the beauty of my mouth, the size and the liquid darkness of my eyes.I ran downstairs and rushed to wh ere my mother was sitting.I buried my head in her lap and cried out: “Mother, tell me, am I a nigger?” I could not see her face, but I felt her hands on my head.I looked up into her face.There were tears in her eyes and I could see that she was sufferin g for me.And then it was that.

I looked at her critically for the first time.I had thought of her in a childish way only as the most beautiful woman in the world; now I looked at her searching for defects(缺点).I could see that her skin was almost brown,and that she did differ in some way from the other ladies who came to the house; yet, even so I could see that she was more beautiful than any of them.She must have felt that I was examining her, for she hid her face in my hair and said with difficulty:“No, my darling, you are not a nigger.” She went on: “If anyone calls you a nigger, don’t notice them.”

But the more she talked, the less was I reassured, and I stopped her by asking:“Well, mother, am I white? Are you white?” She answered tremblingly(颤抖的): “No, I am not white, but your father is one of the greatest men in the country.The best blood of the South is in you.” This suddenly opened up in my heart a fresh fear, and I almost fiercely demanded: “Who is my father? Where is he?” She stroked my hair and said: “I’ll tell you about him some day.” I sobbed(抽泣): “I want to know now.” She answered: “No, not now.”

1.We can infer from the passage that “a nigger ”means().

A.a white person

B.a black person

C.anyone that is not white

D.anyone that i s not black

2.When the teacher asked him to sit down and rise with the others ,the author was confused because().

A.he never considered himself a non-white person

B.he thought the teacher didn’t recognize him

C.he thought he should be considered

D.he thought it rude for the teacher to call his name

3.It was on that day that he began to realize that().

A.he was a nigger

B.he was different from others because of his beauty

C.his color was like that of his mother

D.he differed from oth er white people even with his beauty

4.From the passage we can learn that().

A.the boy’s father left them for some reasons

B.the boy’s mother didn’t want to mention his father at all

C.the boy never met his father before

D.the boy’s mother hated his father

5.This passage generally tells us a story of ().

A.a boy who suddenly realized that he was a colored person

B.a boy who had been looked down upon because he had no father

C.the miserable life of colored people

D.the life of a one-parent family

The box was opened in the()of the necessary witnesses.





The Man opened his eyes, then reached over and picked up the string.翻译

Ladies and gentlemen, I’d like to report on my recent investigation of the current situa
tion of China’s automobile market. Considering the fact that there is only one car for every 250 Chinese at present, the potential auto market is extremely attractive. China has cut its average tariff rate several times and promised to continue to cut its automobile import tariff. China has virtually opened its auto market to the outside world. China is seeking partners for its automobile industry, and we should walk up and take the opportunity.(英译汉)

We don’t have beds in the space shuttle, but we do have sleeping bags. During the day, w
hen we are working, we leave the bags tied to the wall, out of the way. At bedtime we untie them and take them wherever we’ve chosen to sleep.

On most space shuttle flights everyone sleeps at the same time. No one has to stay awake to watch over the spaceplane; the shuttle’s computers and the engineers at Mission Control do that. If anything goes wrong, the computers ring an alarm and the engineers call us on the radio.

On the space shuttle, sleep-time doesn’t mean nighttime. During each ninety-minute orbit the sun “rises ” and shines through our windows for about fifty minutes; then it “ sets ” as our path takes us around the dark side of the earth. To keep the sun out of our eyes, we wear black sleep masks.

It is surprisingly easy to get comfortable and fall asleep in space. Every astronaut sleeps differently. Some sleep upside down, some right side up. When it’s time to sleep, I take my bag, my sleep mask, and my tape player with earphones and float up to the flight deck. Then I crawl into the bag, and float in a sitting position just above a seat, right next to a window. Before I pull the mask down over my eyes, I relax for a while, listening to music and watching the Earth go by beneath me.

36、When it’s bedtime, astronauts pull their sleeping bags ________ .

A.near the windows

B.in the flight deck

C.above the seats

D.in any place they like

37、“Watch over” in para. 2 has the closest meaning to ________ .

A.take care of


C.look at

D.pay attention to

38、How long does it take for the space shuttle to go round the Earth?

A.Twenty-four hours

B.Fifty minutes

C.Ninety minutes

D.Nineteen minutes

39、According the passage, in order to get comfortable and fall asleep in space, it is necessary to ________ .

A.wear a sleep mask

B.listen to music

C.sleep upside down

D.sleep sideways

40、The best title for this passage is ________ .

A.bedtime doesn’t mean nighttime

B.sleeping in space

C.orbiting the Sun

D.sleeping on the space shuttle

I finished middle school in the 1970s.I still remember the teen years were the_____time of my life.At that time, as a girl, I hated it when my parents asked me_____about my problems that made me uncomfortable.I also remember many times when Mr.Templat, my teacher, would take me aside and talk to me.He had a special way of finding out what the problem was.Every time he_____with me, I felt better.He was a teacher I will never_____.

He had a way of making his classes enjoyable.We always got the highest_____in math in our grade with his teaching.If there was a big world ball game on the radio we would_____everything and he would put the game on so we could all enjoy it.

Teens often learn things on TV or from adults about world_____that can make them scared.Now it is terrorism(恐怖主义).Back in my teen years it was the Cold War.It worried me so much that I_____each day would be my last.Mr.Templat knew how much it troubled his_____.He opened the subject up to discussion.He gave us a way to express our fears and helped us understand war and politics(政治).

When I think back to those special days, I appreciate(感念,感谢)that he helped me go_____such a difficult time in my life.

1、Which is the best one to fill in the blank?





2、Which is the best one to fill in the blank?





3、Which is the best one to fill in the blank?





4、Which is the best one to fill in the blank?





5、Which is the best one to fill in the blank?





6、Which is the best one to fill in the blank?





7、Which is the best one to fill in the blank?





8、Which is the best one to fill in the blank?





9、Which is the best one to fill in the blank?





10、Which is the best one to fill in the blank?





Nobody’s Watching Me I am a foot taller than Napoleon and twice the weight of Twiggy; on m

Nobody’s Watching Me

I am a foot taller than Napoleon and twice the weight of Twiggy; on my only visit to a beautician, the woman said she found my face a challenge. Yet despite these social disadvantages I feel cheerful, happy, confident and secure.

I work for a daily newspaper and so get to a lot of places I would otherwise never see. This year I went to Ascot to write about the people there. I saw something there that made me realize the stupidity of trying to conform, of trying to be better than anyone else. There was a small, plump woman, all dressed up—huge hat, dress with pink butterflies, long white gloves. She also had a shooting stick. But because she was so plump, when she sat on the stick it went deep into the ground and she couldn't pull it out. She tugged and tugged, tears of rage in her eyes. When the final tug brought it out, she crashed with it to the ground."

I saw her walk away. Her day had been ruined. She had made a fool of herself in public--she had impressed nobody. In her own sad, red eyes she was a failure.

I remember well when I was like that, in the days before I learned that nobody really cared what you do . . .

I remember the pain of my first dance, something that is always meant to be a wonderful occasion for a girl... There was a fashion then for diamante (人造钻石) ear-rings, and I wore them so often practicing for the big night that I got two great sores on my ears and had to put sticking-plaster on them. Perhaps it was this that made nobody want to dance with me. Whatever it was, there I sat for four hours and 43 minutes. When I came home, I told my parents that I had a marvelous time and that my feet were sore from dancing. They were pleased at my success and they went to bed happily, but I went to my room and tore the bits of sticking-plaster off my ears and felt forlorn and disconsolate.

‘The beautician found the writer's face a challenge’, which means _________.

A.she thought it was a challenge to have such a face repaired

B.she thought it was a challenge to deal with such a face

C.the writer's face challenged the beautician's

D.it was a challenge to find the writer's face

My husband and I were traveling in Africa. And we were staying in a government guest h
ouse which was sort of like a small hotel, but it wasn't a very fancy place. Anyway it was a very hot night that night. It was a very hot climate and it was really hot that night. We wanted to have the windows open, but the problem was we had everything we owned right there in the room. The windows didn't have any screens or anything. So anybody could just come right in and steal our things.But if we shut the windows, it would be impossible to sleep. It was way over a hundred degrees Fahrenheit or forty degrees centigrade.

So we decided to put a lot of pots and pans like that under the window. Then if a thief came in, the pots and pans would fall down and we would wake up. That's what we did. Anyway, we were asleep.

All of the sudden in the middle of the night, sure enough, I hear the pans crash.I sat up in bed. My heart was beating like anything. I could see that there was a man in a white robe standing up next to the bed. I tried to scream and I had laryngitis which means my voice wasn't working. And I was screaming in the local language for help. It was like "help help", but I couldn't scream.

So the man came over and he shoved me down on the bed. Then he says in English "be quiet." Then I realized it was my husband, huh… And when I was able to speak, I asked, "What are you doing"

He said, "well, I had a headache and I wanted to get up and get some aspirins."

1. Why did they want to sleep with the windows open Because ().

A. the windows didn’t have any screens

B. it was very hot there

C. they stayed on the first floor

D. there were no neighbors around

2. Why were they worried about leaving the windows open Because ().

A. they were worried about their kids

B. nobody opened the windows in the hotel

C. it was very windy in the late night

D. they were afraid of being stolen while they were asleep

3. How did they construct an alarm system ().

A. They called the police for help

B. They set the alarm clock in the bedroom

C. They put a lot of pans and pots under the window

D. They closed the window after a second thought

4. Who was the intruder who crashed into the pots and pans ().

A. It was the husband

B. It was a thief

C. It was their kids

D. It was the wife

5. What was the person doing in the darkness The person ().

A. was having a nightmare

B. wanted to take some medicine

C. was going to the toilet

D. wanted to have some water

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